local content requirements advantages and disadvantages

4, pp. [2] The size of the circles indicates the number of LCRs applied for each of the categories. This is especially true for a price effect on the entire economy which has stronger consequences for the overall economy than the industry output gain in one sub-sector. Stop procrastinating with our study reminders. According to the Congressional Research Service, to be considered as produced in the United States under IIJA, manufactured goods must contain domestic content at least 55% in their composition. The economy implementing LCRs is depriving itself from having access to competitive and advanced products, which in the case of trade in automotive products can have a harmful effect on transport efficiency and sustainability within the market and create costs for consumers. A dispute-settlement process takes time and, while it is ongoing, affected goods and companies still have to comply with the measure. Figure 2.1 differentiates between three broad categories of level of impact that ranges from (1) low to (2) medium, and finally (3) high. Politicians have simply shifted from more transparent and direct forms of protectionism towards more opaque behind-the-border NTBs. That means for the NTMds vector we use the UNCTADs MAST database, collect unweighted MFN tariff data for todsfrom WITS, employ the standard gravity dataset for the distance mark-up for vector Dod and use all importer countries factor endowments such as capital per labor, land per labor as well as human capital and GDP per capita for vector Cd from the World Banks World Development Indicators (WDI). all factors of production will adjust after the policy change. The panel argues that several elements of the INOVAR AUTO program grant unfair tax advantages and subsidies to domestic goods and production processes, to the detriment of imports and foreign manufacturers. The growth of LCRs is also bad news for the world economy, because they clog the arteries of competition and trigger similar actions in other countries. However, in the 1990s many developing countries missed out the expected growth effects and questioned the efficiency of the undertaken trade liberalizations. Compared to other protectionism policies, local content requirements are relatively new trade policies, and they are growing in number in the last few years. Support by complex protectionist policies imposed by the governments became an incrementally common feature at that time, for example in 1953 when the Brazilian president Vargas urged the national oil company Petrobas to just use workers, capital and technology with Brazilian origin. Available at: http://e15initiative.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/E15-Extractive-Industries-Ramdoo-FINAL.pdf (retrieved on 3 July 2017). This is true, for example, for specific R&D requirements that companies have to comply with. For instance, in the EU-Singapore agreement there is a specific chapter on non-tariff barriers to trade and investment in the renewable energy generation that specifically addresses LCRs. Depending on the product coverage, some LCRs cover large industries or even whole services sectors whilst others target specific sub-sectors. Trade Policy Note, February 2016. 747 772. Source: http://oica.net/wp-content/uploads/stats-definition1.pdf, [5] http://www.oica.net/wp-content/uploads//all-vehicles-2011.pdf. III:4 of the GATT. This process ultimately undermines the growth and innovation opportunities that come from a diverse, dynamic economy. The year 2015 is chosen for the regression analysis. By:Hanna DeringerFredrik ErixonPhilipp LamprechtErik van der Marel, Subjects:European UnionRegionsWTO and Globalization. Some experts already perceive this type of protectionism as perhaps todays greatest threat to the further liberalization of the global trading system (Ezell et al., 2013, 5). Such measures have been a common feature of public procurement policies. In India, LCRs related to export measures are far more popular and almost half of all LCRs that India has implemented are related to this category. For example, in all BRICS countries the passenger cars sector as well as the other transport equipment industry, which are closely linked to the production activities in the heavy vehicles sector, experience a reduction of exports of -2.2 percent and -0.4 percent, respectively. These latter two emerging economies have a much higher share of LCRs which are specifically targeted at the automotive industry. By imposing LCRs governments might try to promote general political goals like maintaining or improving the domestic employment, attracting FDI and companies from high-value added and R&D intense industries, and increasing the access to foreign technology (Stone et al., 2015, 17; Veloso, 2006, 750; Ezell et al., 2013, 4). This is because the AVE is estimated across all BRICS countries together and not by BRICS country separately due to the otherwise few observations we would have for each country individually. Some even have a very sector-specific design. Whereas, EU imports from these two countries are estimated to diminish by 4.7 percent and 3.1 percent, respectively. Europes Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: Time to Go Back to the Drawing Bo Biofuels Reform in the European Union: Why New ILUC Rules will Reinforce the WT Europes Energy Dependency and Russias Commercial Assertiveness. LCRs related to investments are less prevalent whilst market access LCRs do not target any specific item in the heavy vehicles sector. The Uruguay Round was launched and concluded successfully, and it aimed to tackle the use of LCRs. In addition, it clearly prohibits LCR measures that have the intent of introducing a trade-balance requirement concerning the amount of goods that a company can import in view of the products that it exports. In addition, 17 LCRs target specifically the automotive sector at large which covers various sub-sectors such as overall motor vehicles and parts and components of this sector as well as the heavy vehicles sectors. The Future of EU Leadership in the Car Industry: Still Global. On July 2nd 2015 Japan also started a dispute settlement process on this topic as a complainant (WTO, 2017b). A. Local content requirementsare a type of trade protection mechanism that depends on the law to create requirements for international companies and forces them to produce or rent a certain amount of goods and services domestically. In the aftermath of 2008, the number of local content requirements increased. The first option to consider is the use of the WTOs Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) that affected countries will file complaints at the WTO with the purpose of getting a specific or a set of specific applied LCRs to be declared incompliant with WTO rules and, eventually, eliminated. An overview of the global top 15 countries of currently implemented LCRs is provided in figure 1.2, including information on the main sectors of global LCR use. 107 125. These negotiations should be supported by a larger body of economic analysis on the full range of existing LCRs. 1457. Local Content Requirements A Global Problem, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Jeffrey J. Schott, Cathleen Cimino-Isaacs, Martin Vieiro, and Erika Wada, Peterson Institute for International Economics, https://cup.columbia.edu/book/local-content-requirements/9780881326802, Ikramuddin Kamil, Afghanistan, the Amu Darya Basin and Regional Treaties, Chinese Journal of Enviromental Law, 2021, vol. The impact of an LCR may actually differ according to the industry to which it applies and as a result depends on how the LCR instrument has been precisely formulated. They can promote economic growth and stimulate agents of the economy at the national level. Should the EU Pursue a Strategic Ginseng Policy? On the other hand, in some sectors, the amount differs. The America Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 included clauses requiring that all iron and steel purchased using ARRA funds has to be produced domestically (Cimino et al., 2014, 2). Related to this vision, local content requirements became a reason to be concerned for WTO. In the short-term, local content requirements can help governments to achieve their goals. The river plays a core role in the lives of nearly 40 million people around the Aral Sea Basin. Prosperity and Resilience: Diverse Production and Comparative Advantage in Moder Services Trade Needs to be Taken as Seriously as Goods Trade. GlobalTradeAlert (2017a): Brazil: Local production-related tax exemption applicable to automobile products. Various countries have applied LCRs as a protectionist measure at different times in different contexts in order to address economic turbulences (Semykina, 2015, 4f). This database is being used as a basis for this case study to assess the economic costs impact of LCRs on these countries. It becomes clear that LCRs are indeed a significant barrier to trade in BRICS countries. The exogenous variables which are shocked for the extrapolation include the most relevant macroeconomic variables, i.e. However, these remain foreign manufactures that have formed joint ventures with domestic partners. These are the two key bodies of WTO rules (there are also other WTO agreements with possible relevance for LCRs, including GATT rules on State Trading Enterprises, the Government Procurement Agreement (a plurilateral agreement to which most BRICS countries have not acceded), and the agreement on subsidies). Behind this new interest is not just the growth of LCRs. Examples for such policies are Indias LCR on foreign enterprises in the solar panel industry and ICT equipment to include a certain share of domestically produced inputs or LCRs for digital service providers that require local data storage in Russia, South Korea and Venezuela (Ezell et al., 2013, 8). If you are curious about the different types of protection methods, feel free to check our take on Tariffs and Import Quotas! For production patterns in the analysed countries, we used statistics provided by the Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs dAutomobiles (OICA) on the yearly production of the automotive sector segmented by vehicle type. Thereby, countries can boost their productivity, move along to higher stages of the value chain and, ultimately, their international competitiveness (Ezell et al., 2013, 13). While most studies have focused on the long-run inefficiencies caused by LCRs in the affected sector, a study at the OECD study highlights the subsequent costs imposed on the rest of the economy as well. OECD (2016): The economic impact of local content requirements. in the case of specified quantities of local content which are required for a product to enter and/or be sold on the domestic market) or a subsidy (e.g. Consumer prices for heavy vehicles are estimated to rise between 0.2% and 5.4%. The number of laws that enforce local content requirements increased after the financial crisis of 2008. Like in work related to State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), it would be important to build a larger body of economic analysis of LCRs, with the view of getting them more manageable. There are about 47 of these measures in place. Published Available at:https://www.hsdl.org/?view&did=718658 (retrieved on 12 April 2017). Available at: https://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/cases_e/ds456_e.htm (retrieved on 17 September 2017), Figure A1: LCRs by type for each BRICS country, Figure A2: LCRs by impact for each BRICS country, Figure A3: LCRs by scope for each BRICS country. Overall, the foreign investment possibilities in the automotive sector remain restricted (EU SME Centre, 2015, 17). Localisation Barriers to Trade. Indeed, before BRICS countries are able to export their heavy vehicles, some of their industry output will be demanded by the domestic industry as they suffer from reduced imports in the first place because of the applied LCRs. Only through this way any LCRs, and not only the ones that target this sub-sector specifically as defined by the level of scope, are taken into account. In Brazil exports of heavy vehicles are estimated to drop by 4.7 percent and in Russia by 3 percent. Thus, the implementing country is shielding itself from profiting from international R&D investments made by trading partners. Also, equation (1) is also estimated by applying fixed effects by sector, origin and destination, which does not alter the results. CEPR (2017): Will Awe Trump Rules? What is an example of local content requirements? Opportunities and benefits of local content requirement policy: Case of Eastern Siberian oil and gas industry . Several business associations are raising attention about their damaging consequences. Local content requirements (LCRs) is a case in point. The authors gratefully acknowledge the research assistance by Nicolas Botton, Julie Richert and Sebastian Schuhmann. Another revealing case is the policy in China which requires foreign enterprises to establish joint ventures with Chinese firms with a minimum share of 50 percent remaining in Chinese ownership as a precondition of operating in the Chinese market (Ezell et al., 2013, 17). Moran, Theodore H. (1992): The impact of TRIMS on trade and development. Based on 2016 trade data this corresponds to approximately 1,731 and 1,121 million USD. In addition, the second panel illustrates that most of the government procurement LCRs apply horizontally, which is also the case for many LCRs related to exports or market access. the impact can be considered to be similar to an import tariff of that level. Requires extensive preventative maintenance and monitoring. They invested in certain sectors to improve their international competitiveness. Countries with higher GDP have implemented LCRs rather in sectors depending on services while countries with lower GDP showed a higher number of LCRs in industrial sectors (Stone et al., 2015, 14). Mussa, Michael (1984): The economics of content protection. Since the financial crisis a decade ago, more than 340 localisation measures, including over 145 new local content requirements, have been put in place by governments largely in an effort to improve domestic employment and industrial performance. Part II: Local content requirements as a means for preserving cultural diversity: justifications and future In the first part of this chronicle, we have shown that there is an important discrepancy between economics' fundamentally negative view of quotas in general and the legal and practical tolerance Available at:http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/549241468326687019/pdf/789940REVISED000Box377371B00PUBLIC0.pdf (retrieved on 13 April 2017). Figure 2.11 shows the results. The first impact of the local content requirements is their impact on the economy itself directly. There is another correlation between the level of unemployment in the whole economy, as well as in the specific sectors affected, and the LCR used (Stone et al., 2015, 16). The Indonesian government was expecting a 17% increase in revenue due to the treaty. An important point to consider here is that the price increase in this case merely results from import restricting measures by the LCRs, but it does not reflect better quality of goods or technological developments. When government impose LCRs, they therefore create additional inefficiencies for multinationals. This includes recent country-specific 'Made in XX' or 'Buy XX' programmes introduced by many national governments. Narrowing down to the specific sub-sector of heavy vehicles, our analysis also shows that all BRICS countries have LCR measures in place which specifically target the sub-sector of heavy vehicles. Note that the AVEs are estimated by sub-sector so that subscript s at industry level is provided. Details on the way we estimate these AVEs can be found in Annex III. Furthermore, the website GlobalTradeAlert.org was established in 2009 collecting all monitored discriminatory trading barriers in world trade as well as the Trade and Investment Barriers Report (TIBR) provided by the European Commission yearly since 2011. Location-Based Marketing 101. Hufbauer et al. What are the advantages of local content requirements? As a result, when forcing domestic companies or firms to acquire intermediate inputs from local suppliers rather than importing them, the country that imposes the LCR prevents companies from reaping gains from trade. Last, there is only a smaller amount of LCRs that target a sub-sector specifically, which in our case is the heavy vehicles sector. It is obvious, however, that the EU like other government agencies have not taken full account of the LCRs that are applied across the world, and that the identification of barriers is either selective in terms of sectors or years. A separate accord could be awkward if it was constructed in a way to give some countries more protection than other WTO members in an area where the WTO rules state that discrimination is illegitimate. Create flashcards in notes completely automatically. Earn points, unlock badges and level up while studying. Many countries, such as Indonesia and Argentina, promote local content requirements that create obstacles in the way of free trade. These LCR measures range from the Buy Brazil Act which gives preferences to local products and services up to 25 percent as well as specific tax advantages for the equipment manufacturing industry in China. Some have reacted with ambitious policy reforms with the ambitions to boost the local economy, foster domestic growth and mitigate the negative impact of troubled world economy climate. This is the case with LCRs because they describe a policy requirement and they are not expressed in terms of tariffs. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Local content requirements impact the global economy, In certain cases, foreign producers can make use of duty-free imports of components, under the condition that the local content of their importing products is of a certain amount. As a result, different approaches have been used to estimate the impacts of LCRs in other studies. One type that has experienced increased attention in this context are LCRs. Some LCR measures are formulated for a narrow industry only and may therefore have overall a less distortive impact on a country (or industry) than an LCR which applies to the whole industry or even the entire country (i.e. The two countries with the highest estimated AVEs, namely Brazil and Russia, also experience the greatest reduction in their imports and exports of motor vehicles as shown in Figure 2.10. Moreover, we are only interested in estimating the AVEs at sub-sector level which is convenient as there would otherwise be a lack of variation in the date. We will cover several strands of strategies. The result show that LRCs related to public procurement and financial support are the only ones significant, with the latter being strongly significant at the 1 percent level whereas LCRs related to Government Procurement are significant at the 5 percent level. Unlike several other areas of rising protectionism, the growth of LCRs is on the agenda for many governments: they believe this issue needs to be addressed. One of the ongoing examples of local content requirements is Swiss-made watches. Some countries implement preferential procurement regulations which grant preferences for local products and, in certain cases, markets are even completely reserved for locally produced goods (Ramdoo, 2015, 11 & 21). (2015, 2) even claim that LCRs are rather the norm than an exemption in public procurement. Available at:http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2016/june/tradoc_154665.pdf (retrieved on 3 July 2017), EU SME Centre (2015): The Automotive Market in China. Another advantage of local sourcing is that it can have much shorter delivery times or smaller batches. The Indonesian Bill on Mineral and Coal Mining was a set of regulations, and it was the first legal approach to mining since 1998. Both LCRs related to investment and market access do not come out as significant although the former has a negative coefficient sign. The use of local content requirements (LCRs) has been growing for a long time. For further definition of the Heavy Vehicles sector and their corresponding industry classifications, see Annex II and III. Greater freedom Sign-up to our newsletter to receive periodic e-mail updates on new publications, videos and analysis. International automobile manufacturers are most dominant in the passenger vehicle segments. Figure 2.9 shows that especially for some of the closely related sectors, which require similar production factors as the heavy vehicles sector, their output decreases because resources are taken away from their industries. The lack of investment decreases international technology transfer. Russia also has 20 measures in place and therefore has an equal share, followed by India with 15 measures which comes down to a share of 20.8 percent. That coalition can work through the Geneva missions of WTO members. Cloud Storage. 55, No. Our analysis finds that LCRs related to business operations and financial support as well as the ones covering government procurement have most significant cost-distorting effects for this sector. Despite the predominately negative evidence of the impact of local content requirements on trade, they continue to play a significant role in trade policy. Their LCR use takes up a share of around 44 percent of the total amount of LCRs this study finds globally. In addition, as sectors that benefit from the LCR consume more domestic resources, other sectors are forced to reduce production or increase imports, leading to a concentration of domestic economic activity. . LCRs can generally include measures on condition tax and price concession on local procurement, condition bailouts, government contracts and export financing on local sourcing, tailor import licensing procedures to encourage domestic purchase, reservation of certain lines of business for domestic firms, requirements on local data storage and analysis and local product tests (Evenett, Fritz, 2016, 21). C. achieving lower costs through economies of scale, experience, and increased purchasing power. The latter category covers mainly data localization policies. Importantly, they have also been acknowledged by a WTO Panel the first instance in a WTO dispute in a case concerning Indias LCRs in solar panels (DS456). However, the spread of these types of LCRs appears to differ along their levels of impact and scope. The reduction of heavy vehicles imports for Brazil is 21 percent and for Russia 12 percent. Such types of LCRs could potentially have larger negative trade impacts than those related to market access and business operations and financial support. Local content requirements are provisions (usually under a specific law or regulation) that commit foreign investors and companies to a minimum threshold of goods and services that must In: Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. ICTSD (2016): WTO decision on local content requirements will not affect India solar ambitions, officials say. World Bank Study, Washington DC. Second, in the proposed Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) in the OECD, negotiated in the 1990s but never ratified due to intensive NGO campaigning against it, members began to make clarifications to what TRIMS that were not allowed, and those went beyond the TRIMs agreement in the WTO. For the purpose of our analysis, the definition of the sector of heavy vehicles refers to the definition of the European Commission, according to which heavy-duty vehicles (HDV) comprise trucks, buses and coaches.[4]. Figure 2.2: Types of LCRs, level of impact and scope in automotive sector in BRICS. The analysis finds that most LCRs are related to government procurement, financial support and business operations, as well as to export measures. Because LCRs require firms to source more domestic inputs for production domestically and most inputs are coming from the heavy vehicle sector itself, this result is in line with our expectations as it expands the activities of the domestic vehicle sector. The work presented here provides new evidence of the detrimental effects these policies . In the context of the United States, two core examples of local content requirements are The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009) and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (2021). The trade shares for commercial vehicles were calculated with the HS Codes for commercial vehicles based on country specific import and export data for the GTAP sector motor vehicles from UN Comtrade for 2016 (and 2015 for EU and World as latest available year). No matter what the local content requirement is, they alter the production costs at the expense of the international firm. According to a study published in the journal of Public Economics, "healthy people were 20 to 30% more likely to be uninsured because of community rating" (Lo Sasso & Lurie, 2009). The model assumes full mobility and employment of factors of production, i.e. In this case, which was brought by the United States, the Panel found that Indias measures violated the national treatment principle in both GATT and TRIMs. 4, pp. And if so, how? Figure 1.1 showed that many LCR measures currently implemented world-wide originate from the BRICS. 19, No. In both countries, market access LCRs are also prevalent. These practices can also come in the form of discriminatory tax measures or provisions that favor local businesses, locally assembled products or the requirement of local content in goods (European Commission, 2016, 7). More than often domestic input suppliers are not the best ones in terms of price and quality for domestic and international operating firms. Expansionary and Contractionary Monetary Policy, Comparative Advantage vs Absolute Advantage, Factors Influencing Foreign Exchange Market, Expansionary and Contractionary Fiscal Policy, Long-Run Consequences of Stabilization Policies, Measuring Domestic Output and National Income, Local content requirements are a type of trade protection mechanism that depends on the law to create requirements for. (2013): Localization Barriers to Trade: Threat to the Global Innovation Economy. the proportion of local content screened on SABC channels, all television broadcasters exceed-ed the minimum requirements for local content broadcasts. Pros: Low incidence of collision. This depends on the country and the sector. Jensen, J. and D. Tarr (2008) Impact of Local Content Restrictions and Barriers Against Foreign Direct Investment in Services, Eastern European Economics, Vol. In contrast, most LCR measures that relate to financial support and business operations as well as market access have a high impact. On paper, local content requirements depend on restrictions supported by the laws to be applied to international companies. In the contemporary era, examples of local content requirements have become widespread. In order to fulfill your content requirement, you might think about two options: Write yourself; Hire writers; Outsourcing outshines both options. Tordo, Silvana; Warner, Michael; Monzano, Osmel E.; Anouti, Yahya (2013): Local Content Policies in the Oil and Gas Sector. That may prove difficult because there are some WTO members that are intensive users of LCRs and believe they are central to their industrial policy. 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