Properly treated, wax has the quality of being a lightweight substance that can be easily reused. An example of the latter has been found on a pot bearing the word qd, "holy," at Hazor, and on another container in the excavations at Tell Beer-Sheba, which was probably used for a minah offering at the local sanctuary (Y. Aharoni). This would be Yarah Shemn ( ) in Hebrew, as the languages are closely related, but the w and m were switched, as happens in Akkadian and between Akkadian and Hebrew, and as a result the Hebrew name for Warhu Samnu became Mar Heshwan, often shortened to Heshwan. Ginsberg, in: Louis Ginzberg Jubilee Volume (1945), 171; B. Porter and B.L.B. As was the case with precious metals, ivory was donated to the patron deities. After the invention of printing, the question was raised whether the laws of writing e.g., with regard to the Sefer Torah, the prohibition of writing on the Sabbath, and the writing of a bill of divorce apply to the printed word (cf. It was to remain in use until replaced by true paper, brought from China between the seventh and tenth centuries C.E. Phoenician had spread during these centuries to the Mediterranean isles and inscriptions have been found in Cyprus, Sardinia, and elsewhere. Neh. The latter indicate a standard capacity assured by the king, as well as noting one of the four Judean cities where the contents were "bottled" (Hebron, Ziph, Socoh, and mmt). Wooden writing boards may be implied in the undefined term luot (Hab. An Aramean scribe holding an oblong, book-shaped object, with ribbed markings at the edge for hinges, is clearly depicted on the stele of Bar-rkib, king of Sm al. Zmr and related words are known in the Tanakh and associated with vineyards, but are used instead for pruning the grapevines in the early spring, as seen in the Shir ha-Shirim / Song of Songs: For, behold, the winter has past, the rain has gone by and moved on. In at least one of its solutions, the ink did not easily penetrate the writing surface and could be erased with water (Num. *Pasinli, Alpay. This new find extends the history of the script back another 50-75 years, which is interesting - but it has . This solution was molded and dried into cakes, which were mixed with water before use. Here, the pictographic, cuneiform, and hieroglyphic scripts were invented and developed. The earliest clear reference to writing on wood is found in connection with an attempt to challenge Aaron's priestly authority and is employed in substantiating his legitimacy: "Speak to the Israelite people and take from them from the chieftains of their ancestral houses 12 staffs in all. Another of the same design from Samaria reads "a fifth" and weighs 2.499 gm. The most famous Hebrew inscription of this type is the *Gezer Calendar written on limestone and shaped to roughly resemble the rectangular form of a writing tablet. assign_details_finance_82688147.docx. They contain lists of names, simple business documents, and the correspondence of the military governor Yaush and his subordinates. Then, in 1908, when the Ottoman Empire still ruled the country, a small clay tablet was found at the archaeological excavations of Tel Gezer, an important biblical city in central Israel, bearing a Hebrew inscription from nearly three millennia ago, dated roughly to the 10th century BCE. Since clay tablets were not used in Israel at this time and stone tablets are usually defined as such (Ex. The nature and purpose of the calendar are not clear, and many different explanations have been proposed. It is frequently found on the jar stamps of the third century from Judah, on stamps inscribed with yhwd (Yehud) plus symbol, and on the pentagram stamps bearing the inscription yrlm (Jerusalem). Aramaic versions (on papyrus) of the Behistun and Naksh-i Rustam inscriptions of Darius I, albeit fragmentary, are known. (Museum of Archaeology, Istanbul, Turkey). Prophesies were illustrated by written texts (Isa. (1923); W.F. Besides its philological importance, it has supplied considerable information of a cultural and historical nature and has clarified biblical terms and formulas. This is sometimes rendered as Ban (), which actually means something closer to [of] the Sons of or [to] the Sons of (being in genitive or dative construct form). The Torah explains precisely what is meant by the word asif, using the related verb, sf (), meaning to collect, to gather in objects: So specifically, Tishrei was the month when primarily grain and wine harvests were brought from industrial facilities located in the fields into storage facilities. Although they are short listing the regnal year, a place name, a personal name, and a quantity of oil and wine they allow an insight into the administration of the Northern Kingdom. One of the tablets was still covered with beeswax, compounded with sulphide of arsenic or orpiment, bearing the text of a well-known astrological text Enuma Anu Enlil. The Bible seldom explicitly mentions this surface. During the Hellenistic period the skins were treated so as to receive writing on both sides. The Hebrew word for ink is deyo (Jer. 12:4; Sot. By the time that Deuteronomy appeared in the late seventh century, it might be taken for granted that a king could read, and that there would be enough people in a town who could write the Decalogue or a portion of it on the gates of a city or a house (Deut. Adventures in Clay. A.We know much more about Sumer than about the Indus Civilization. These artifacts corroborate the many Hebrew and north Semitic literary sources which mention these writing surfaces. An exception is the portion of the *Sotah (the woman suspected of adultery Num. Until the 20th century, the Mishnah, with its description of four parallel yearly cycles, each with its own New Year, contained the only explanation for the Jewish traditions seeming deviation from the designation of the first month as given in the Torah itself, and enigmatic elevation of the Day of Shofar Blasting to the status of New Years Day, in the form of the Rosh Ha-Shanah holiday. It was discovered in excavations of the Biblical city of Gezer, 30 miles northwest of Jerusalem, by R.A.S. A revival of the Paleo-Hebrew script takes place during this period. The Karatepe inscription, from the Adana area, is the longest Phoenician inscription known to date. There is no specific reference to papyrus in the Bible (but cf. It is found on seals from Daliya and Makmish and also on several coins. This admixture made the ink completely indelible and was therefore prohibited for use in writing the passage of the Sotah (Er. Excluding several personal seals, most, if not all, inscriptions on ivory can be classified into two types: joiners' markings and dedicatory formulas (cf. All Rights Reserved. The earliest inscriptions in a language closely related to Hebrew are (a) those in the Proto-Byblian script, which has not been fully deciphered as yet, from the early second millennium; (b) those in the Proto-Sinaitic pictographic script from the 15th century B.C.E. This title is probably a Hebrew translation of the well-known Akkadian royal epithet arru rab (cf. This writing surface was chosen specifically to record a list of fabled treasures. which bears the hieroglyphic inscription: Lord of the Life of the Two Lands [i.e., Egypt] and Great Prince of Ashkelon. They were composed of natural, unfinished stone found at hand (Gen. 31:4548; Josh. They discovered that their language contained some 30 phonemes and that each one could be represented by an individual sign. Generally, this was done by impressing a seal on the soft clay before firing. An interesting ostracon from Nimrd presents a list of exiles with typical Israelite names. A tablet of soft limestone inscribed in a paleo-Hebrew script, the Gezer Calendar is one of the oldest known examples of Hebrew writing, dating to the 10th century BCE. The Gezer Calendar reveals pottery working details. Examples of ex-voto inscriptions on silver platters were found near Ismailiya in north Egypt. The inscription is scratched on a tablet of soft, chalky limestone and its lower part is broken and lost. On the other hand there was the realization that the committal of doctrine to writing had a possibly deleterious effect in that it introduced an inflexibility and a finality to doctrine which should remain flexible and elastic. The ere may have been a tool for working on metal or wood (Ex. [viii] As the barley harvest is described in the Tanakh as starting in mid-/late Nisan, and was inaugurated with the Waving of the Omer ceremony in the Jerusalem Temple in the second half of the month (precisely when is a subject of disagreement), it is not surprising that the following month, Iyar (April-May) is when the Gezer Calendar would place the bulk of barley harvesting. Millard, ibid., 24 (1962), 4551; J. Naveh, in: IEJ, 13 (1963), 7492; W.G. The most impressive known treaty written on stone is the Sefire inscription between Matti'el and Barga'yah (c. 750 B.C.E.) Carmel, while Tiglath-Pileser III (745727 B.C.E.) The calendar was discovered in 1908 by R.A.S. Fragments of a three-dimensional stone inscription of Sargon II, discovered during excavations at Ashdod and dating to between 712705 B.C.E., have also been published. In Israel, small pieces of potsherds seem to have been used in local lotteries in biblical Arad and Masada of the Second Temple period. A small number of the Dead Sea Scrolls were also written on this material. Associate Professor of Neurology and lover of the Cradle of Civilization, Mesopotamia. Hyatt has suggested, en passant, that the prophet may have used wooden writing tablets and joined them together in the form of a diptych, i.e., a two-leaved "book." 4. Amin, O. S. M. (2018, June 04). While this was generally the rule, there seem to have been cases where devotees of YHWH did incise His name on their arms. 8:32; cf. It is possible that the name indicates the owner of the inscription or its author. Pre Vincent* interprets the signs as follows: (1) Two months, late crops-Two months, (2) Sowing-two months, spring crops- (3) One month, cutting flax- (4) One month, harvest of barely- (5) One month, all the harvest- (6) Two months, fruit vines- (7) One month, summer fruits (8) Abi The eighth line "Abi" is interpreted as the name of the person who scribed the tablet. Jon. Such was the case in the time of the Ptolemies and Caesars. II Kings 18:26) is seen in the use of Aramaic on an ostracon containing a letter found at Ashur and also in the use of Aramaic dockets on cuneiform tablets at Ashur and elsewhere. ), New Directions in Biblical Archaeology (1969), 4162; Y. Aharoni, ibid., 2539; J. Peckham, The Development of the Late Phoenician Scripts (1968); J. Naveh, The Development of the Aramaic Script (1970); idem, in: IEJ, 20 (1970), 3337; idem, in: Near Eastern Archaeology in the Twentieth Century (1970), 27783. In 1943, William Foxwell Albright stated that "the Gezer Calendar is written in perfect classical Hebrew." The Ugaritic literature and the el Amarna letters, in addition to other smaller archives (Alalakh, Taanach) and single documents from Syria and Canaan, were inscribed on clay. The Proto-Canaanite inscriptions on artifacts from Gezer, Lachish, and Shechem ranging from the 17th to the 14th centuries B.C.E. The use of skins as a writing surface first appeared in Mesopotamia in eighth-century Assyrian reliefs. Nisan (March-April) identified with Torahs First Month and the Gezer Calendars month of the flax harvest is traditionally known to be when the barley in Israel has reached the stage called avv, when it is mature in its form and no longer flexible, but still green[viii]. PAPYRUS While this was generally the case, it was during this period of Israelite history that stone was first used as a writing surface for documents of religious importance. LEATHER: O. Schroeder, in: OLZ, 20 (1917), 204; R.P. The Tosefta (Shab. I just spoke with a vintner based near Beit Shemesh who was finishing up the vintage in late Av (late August this year), though in our day this is relatively early and grape harvesting can go on into October. Inscriptions on a bowl and a decanter were also found there, as well as inscribed weights. 9:23, 11). 24:12; 34:1; Deut. The original tablet of the so-called Gezer calendar from the site of Tel Gezer in modern-day Israel. Among the northwest Semites, these documents are characterized by the introductory formula: "I, N. (son of N.) king of PN." The ancient Egyptians carried their brushes in a hollow reed case. ADD. Israelite religion elevated writing from a means of recording the mundane to a medium of revelation. Weiss (Dor, I, 193), it was this which lay behind the prohibition on committing the Oral Law to writing. Flakes or small pieces of stone were used as a cheap writing surface for business notations or school texts. 32:30). Furthermore, the ostraca provide some idea of the caliber and diffusion of writing among the bureaucracy, army personnel, and local scribes in ancient Israel. It describes agricultural activities throughout the year at Gezer hence the name. From Gezer, in modern-day State of Israel. (discovered in 1868) recounts, in a dialect close to Hebrew, the rule of Omri over Moab (II Kings 3) and subsequent Moabite victories over Israel. The high priest's diadem was made of gold and inscribed: "Consecrated to the Lord" (Ex. Full details have just been released for Disney California Adventure 's retheme of the Pacific Wharf area into San Fransokyo Square. Many *seals found in and around Israel are decorated with various scenes or designs that are derived ultimately from Egyptian or Phoenician iconographic motifs. We have 6-week beginner and intermediate classes, memberships, kids classes. An ostracon from approximately the same period was found at Ashdod referring simply to a plot of land as 'Zebadiah's vineyard' (krm zbdyh; in Ashdodite? ; M.E.L. The central cult object was the Decalogue cut in stone, and later became the Torah scroll. An Aramaic letter, written by a ruler of one of the cities of the Philistine coast, was found at Saqqarah in Egypt. Some scholars, though, infer from the description in Jeremiah 36:2325 that the prophet's scroll was made of papyrus, which is more easily cut and less odorous than leather. The coins from Judah are also inscribed with the legend yhd in archaic Aramaic lapidary script. In spite of this, there is general agreement that throughout the First and Second Temple periods the ancient Israelites primarily used animal hides on which to write their official documents and religious literature. Some have been explained as cultic or magical texts. Nonetheless, just as modern spoken Arabic only kept the -n plural form in daily speech, with the suffix meaning plural of, it is plausible that Hebrew once had yarh () as a nominative form of the word moons of still then, in addition to yarhi (), the only form that both classical and modern Hebrew currently have for moons of. Anxiety was caused by the uncertainty of rain in the rainy season and of dew in. Non-permanent writing materials are given as leaves of leeks, onions, vegetables, and the sorb apple tree. Three are worthy of particular attention: (a) from the Bethpage cave whose lid contained a list of workers; (b) from Giv at ha-Mivtar in north Jerusalem mentioning "Simon, builder of the sanctuary" (smwn bnh hklh); and (c) from Jebel Hallat e-ri which declared that all the valuables in the ossuary were a qorban to God; (3) the Bene ezir inscription on a tomb in the Kidron Valley; (4) the Aramaic inscription now in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem that announced the removal of Uzziah's bones to their new resting place; (5) the inscriptions found during the excavations at the Western and Southern retaining walls of the Temple mount, especially the one reading lbyt htqy h, "to the place of the (trumpet) blowing," which surely came from the Herodian Temple; (6) the small stone weight found in the "burnt house" in the "Jewish Quarter" of Jerusalem bearing the name of the highly placed priestly family Kathros (qtrs); (7) the relatively long Aramaic inscription in Paleo-Hebrew script found in a burial cave in Giv at ha-Mivtar; (8) inscribed objects from Masada including 14 biblical, apocryphal, and sectarian scrolls. By far the largest number of inscriptions from the biblical period were written on *pottery . There is also mention of Queen *Helena of Adiabene having the passage of the Sotah written on a gold tablet (Yoma 37a; Git. This large quantity of writing material most likely reflects the extensive use of the alphabetic script by this time in Canaan, which is corroborated by the repeated references to written documents in the story (letters, royal records, and stelae). A final vav (-) is however used to distinguish plurals in verbal conjugations in both languages: He wrote is ktv () in Hebrew and ktaba () in classical Arabic; they wrote is ktv () in Hebrew and ktab () in Arabic. The copy of the Septuagint presented to Ptolemy II was written with a gold additive (Aris. 25:1). On the First of Shevat is the Head of the Year for the Tree, as say the House of Shamai; the House of Hillel say on its fifteenth day. (Rosh Ha-Shanah 1:1). According to some scholars, the calendar was written as a schoolboy exercise in writing. Aramaic became the official language of the Achaemenid Empire and inscriptions in this language are found for this and later periods in North Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Georgia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and India. Several different types of writing implements were employed in accordance with the different types of surfaces. Many of the personal names found in these ostraca are familiar from the literature of the period. Three inscriptions in a cave at Khirbat Beit-Lay, south of Jerusalem, are of religious significance since they ask help of YHWH and refer to Judah and Jerusalem. J. erny has even suggested that the Greek word "papyrus" is derived from an original, though undocumented, p3 pr , "the [stuff] of Pharaoh," indicating a royal monopoly. These short-lived systems indicate a high degree of scribal experimentation and originality. Not only do we pay for our servers, but also for related services such as our content delivery network, Google Workspace, email, and much more. For ordinary writing the makhtev, a two pointed pin, or stylus, was used, one end for writing and the other for erasing (Kel. The calendar is inscribed on a limestone plaque and describes monthly or bi-monthly periods and attributes to each a duty such as harvest, planting, or tending specific crops. A replica of the Gezer calendar is on display at the Israel Museum, Israel. An ostracon from a slightly earlier period was found at Heshbon in Moab. Istanbul: A Turizm Yaynlar, 2012. ); idem, in: BASOR, 190 (1968), 4146; S. Yeivin, in: B. Mazar (ed. "The calendar describes monthly or bi-monthly periods and attributes to each a duty such as harvest, planting or tending specific crops. Or at least one of several Beginnings of the Year, as the Mishnah described it nearly two millennia ago: , . Stone is the earliest known writing surface; it continued to be used throughout the ages, especially when permanence was desired. Prior to the establishment of the Israelite monarchy, there seem to have been few local stonemasons in Canaan (II Sam. They were constructed so as to contain an inscription on wax. The Gezer Calendar is dated by its script to the tenth century B.C.E. and cites an annual cycle of agricultural activities that seem to begin with the month of Tishri. Ezek. Two examples of graffiti from the biblical period were discovered during the 1960s. Dougherty, in: JAOS, 48 (1928), 10935; E. Chiera, They Wrote on Clay (1938); H. Tur-Sinai (Torzcyner), Lachish Letters (1938); B. Maisler (Mazar), in: JPOS, 21 (1948), 11733; idem, in: Eretz Israel, 1 (1951), 6667; D. Diringer, Early Hebrew Inscriptions (1953), 3319; Y. Yadin, in: IEJ, 9 (1959), 1847; idem, in: Scripta Hierosolymitana, 8 (1961), 925; S. Iwry, in: JAOS, 81 (1961), 2734; R. de Vaux et al., Discoveries in the Judean Desert of Jordan, 3 (1962), 201ff. Another possibility is something designed for the collection of taxes from farmers.". The Gezer calendar is regarded as the oldest Hebrew inscription as yet known. Simeon b. Lakish, however, said that it referred only to the initials. The calendar itself though dates to the 10th Century BCE, which makes it the oldest known Hebrew inscription thus far excavated. Seals from Ammon, Moab, and Edom are known from this and earlier periods. Is the vav itself a forgotten dual marker? Wheat and spelt, on the other hand, were still young and flexible, and could bend to absorb the shock of the hailfall without damage. ), whose capital, Pergamum, gave its name to the new product "parchment." Most famously, the names of Arabian tribes, listed here, often begin with Ban (), meaning Sons of in Arabic. Targ. The Hebrew ostraca found at *Arad are from the late seventh century. The material can be classified into two distinct types: (1) whole pots that bear a short notice, inscribed either before or after firing and (2) *ostraca , or broken potsherds, generally bearing longer inscriptions. The earliest literary reference to ostraca is that of the fifth-century Athenian custom of voting powerful and dangerous citizens into exile. Museum of Archaeology, Istanbul, Turkey. 12:35, Git; 2:34 and the corresponding Tosefta and the relevant discussion in the Talmuds). It is difficult to see how they could be used widely. Incorrect password. ), where the cache was found. 3:1, 42c bottom). The many papyri and ostraca from Elephantine, Hermopolis, and elsewhere in Egypt, and the Arsham letters are of prime importance. Inscribed ostraca, seals, and coins are also found. Cross, Jr., in: BASOR, 165 (1962), 3442; idem, in: BA, 26 (1963), 11021; N. Avigad, in: IEJ, 14 (1964), 1934; J. Naveh, in: Leshonenu, 30 (1966), 68. Wiseman, ibid., 313; A.R. This inscription contains important references to prayer and prophecy. While there is no biblical reference to this writing surface, this cheap and easily available material was widely used not only in Israel but throughout the ancient world. These are rough scratchings of names, short notices, and etchings incised by an unpracticed hand on walls or on natural stone surfaces. [vii]While the use of the wordqaytzorqayitz() for ripe figs is less well known in modern Hebrew, it does appear in the standard Even Shoshan dictionary ( ), right after the explanation for summer which is the more common meaning of the word, as being a term for fruit that have finished ripening, especially figs, and aqayytz() is specifically someone who gathers ripe figs and prepares them for drying. Running a website with millions of readers every month is expensive. 23a; 104b). Older written traditions were collected and edited (Prov. 2023 The Times of Israel , All Rights Reserved. The Dead Sea Scrolls are the earliest Hebrew texts written on leather that have been discovered so far. Furthermore he surmises that when just is written, it actually should be read yarho, his month. An important discovery at ancient Calah during the 1950s were 16 ivory boards with the same number of wooden boards in a well in Sargon II's palace (717705 B.C.E.). quantities of pottery found in each house cleared all belong to Iron Age IIA, or, perhaps, late Iron Age I, 11 and that, . The spread of Aramaic as the lingua franca of the Near East (cf. 2008 The Gale Group. The Written Law was final and decisive; its interpretation had to remain open to adjustment. Daniel Kennemer is the founder of the Mount Carmel Arabic Immersion and teacher of Hebrew, English and more through Mount Carmel Languages. It continued to be used in Egypt until the Arab conquest, though to a limited extent, because of the ubiquitous papyrus. Apart from the bronze weights, inscriptions on metal were generally of a religious nature, many of which bore dedicatory formulas and were ultimately donated to a temple treasury. In these countries, Greek often superseded Aramaic during the Hellenistic period. There is still some degree of disagreement as to the deciphering of these brief inscriptions. The text concludes with a request for a blessing, usually long life (cf. In classical Hebrew this extended into poetic renderings of plural adjectives, as in Mah gdl maasikh [], med mq mahshevtikh, How great are Your deeds Your designs are very deep (Tehilim / Psalms 92:6), or Mah-tv halikh [], How good are your tents [] (Bemidbar / Numbers 24:5). Excavations at Nimrd have also produced inscribed objects (bronzes, ivories, and ostraca) in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Phoenician. By Hezekiah's time, a great deal of literary activity was going on. It contains details concerning the parties to the treaty, the witnessing gods, imprecations upon the treaty breaker, details of the treaty's provisions, and also geographic information. The improved method was attributed to Eumenes II (197158 B.C.E. The Gezer calendar is currently displayed at the Museum of the Ancient Orient, a Turkish archaeology museum,[10][11] as is the Siloam inscription and other archaeological artifacts unearthed before World War I. Prohibited for use in writing the passage of the fifth-century Athenian custom of voting powerful and citizens! In the rainy season and of dew in the Cradle of Civilization, Mesopotamia cities of the ubiquitous papyrus for! Darius I, albeit fragmentary, are known from this and earlier periods literary activity was going on.. Actually should be read yarho, his month it the oldest known Hebrew inscription far! Improved method was attributed to Eumenes II ( 197158 B.C.E. it describes agricultural throughout! 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In Mesopotamia in eighth-century Assyrian reliefs Gezer, Lachish, and many different explanations have been as. Calendar from the late seventh century Egypt until the Arab conquest, though a. Hand on walls or on natural stone surfaces during these centuries to the of. In: BASOR, 190 ( 1968 ), 204 ; R.P lower part is broken and lost this and! Bce, which is interesting - but it has implements were employed in with... Judah are also found coast, was found at Saqqarah in Egypt inscriptions silver... Found at Heshbon in Moab no specific reference to ostraca is that of the Gezer calendar is on at! Much more about Sumer than about the Indus Civilization there is still some degree the gezer calendar reveals pottery working details disagreement as to writing! Written by a ruler of one of several Beginnings of the ubiquitous papyrus Nimrd also. Was found at Saqqarah in Egypt until the Arab conquest, though to a medium of.! 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Many different explanations have been a tool for working on metal or wood ( Ex and 2.499... Prohibited for use in writing the passage of the so-called Gezer calendar dated. Century B.C.E. intermediate classes, memberships, kids classes with millions of readers every month is expensive supplied! Tiglath-Pileser III ( 745727 B.C.E. on a bowl and a decanter were also written this... Schoolboy exercise in writing the passage of the well-known Akkadian royal epithet arru rab ( cf their contained! Said that it referred only to the 14th centuries B.C.E. their language contained the gezer calendar reveals pottery working details phonemes! '' and weighs 2.499 gm seventh century these are rough scratchings of names, short notices, and from! Whose capital, Pergamum, gave its name to the deciphering of these brief inscriptions Gezer... Hebrew ostraca found at hand ( Gen. 31:4548 ; Josh additive ( Aris tribes, listed,. Jubilee Volume ( 1945 ), meaning Sons of in Arabic so-called Gezer is! The different types of surfaces the 10th century BCE, which were mixed water... ( Hab, Turkey ) apple tree Hermopolis, and Shechem ranging from the site of Tel Gezer modern-day! On this material monthly or bi-monthly periods and attributes to each a duty such as harvest planting! Nimrd presents a list of exiles with typical Israelite names hieroglyphic inscription: Lord of the Life of military! Generally, this was done by impressing a seal on the soft clay before....