He starts bleeding and rushes at Sawyer again, but Sawyer catches him and punches his face. I stand up in a hurry. We accept virtually any type of Lost fan-written fiction, essays and poetry for our archives. Youve been waiting for this, havent you? His hand leaves my back and I inhale sharply, Put your shirt on blue eyes, He says to me. That piece of paper the one you keep in your pocket, I begin, I know the expression on your face when you read it and I know how carefully you fold it up. I look up at the ocean, my tears blurring my vision. I realize this leaves me with not a lot to do, except watch. Living room! I take a deep breath and begin to read, out loud, Dear Mr. Sawyer, you dont know who I am but I know who you are and I know what you done. Sayid holds his arms out, like it was an accident. Ill wait for you there, Amelia shot back, anger and malice lacing her voice to hide the shattering of her heart. Everyone in theres dead, Sayid reminds. God I just want to sleep. Sayid splashes water on his face to bring him to. ! Mom calls me from downstairs. What do you know about it? Amelia shouted and it echoed around the jungle. Yes, she says quietly, her hair lifted off her face by the breeze. Suddenly I hear Vincent barking and Michael shushing Walt to keep the dog quiet. There aren't a lot of LOST fanfiction sequels out there, but here are some. Sayid! Jack calls, and Sayid stops. I strike gold, Of Mice and Men, works for me. Here you will find my LOST stories Im currently working on: Other characters: James Sawyer Ford/Juliet Burke, OC, and a lot of other characters from LOST. Everything feels heavy and strange, and my eyes want to close. Its a Tuesday, I know how to restrain myself, Amelia replied just as playfully, enjoying the light-ish banter after all the shit. I like to think of myself as an outcome engineer, Sawyer replies with a cheeky grin on his face. Rated: T. Genre: Drama/Mystery. Maybe not, but itll feel good, Jack replies and then nods to me. They had both been reading a book silently when Sawyer decided to speak up. Not a few minutes into the book I hear a rustling sound outside of my tent. We walk over to where the water is and Sawyer bends down to get some. Jack lunges in and punches him. Now, all I want is the asthma medicine. My heart jolts at this action but I quickly put it down in fear. The movie begins to play, Incredibles, I havent seen this one before. After all thats happened to me?, Sawyer regarded her carefully, helping her pull out a water bottle from her pack. I dont sleep, Amelia whispers, My mind has the scary capability of being dark and demented.. After all the commotion and medically helping those who could be helped, I let Jack slink off to sew his wound and have his conversation with Kate. I swallow and nod, but he shakes his head in response. Read it. *This is AU. My back screams in pain as Im blown away from the house, the explosion pushing me towards the street. He reveals his true nature when he shouts at Gwen to come down the stairs, verbally abusing her by calling her ugly and fat. Blue-eyes! Sawyer shouts at me, Get under some cover dammit!. Yours? Jack says with a small laugh, What makes it yours? A note? Sawyer scoffs, More like a symphony!. Can you make it stop? Kates voice cuts through the panic that is filling up my head. I ran away from the scene before anyone saw me and I had to leave Australia to get back to LA. Sawyer breathes heavily and stares daggers at the cave people. Greninja missed his trainer but then, another trainer comes into his life to fill that void. Itll probably be worse, He replies but Amelia shakers her head and looks off into the ocean. I come from 2010, and the show has just finished its 6th and final season. Kate mustve took it off me when they were taking me back to the beach. Bullshit, Sawyer interrupts, You goaded me and now youre facing the consequences. Keep walking, Sawyer replies, trying to diffuse the situation. He nods back at me and turns away to look at the ocean. Went to the caves to check on Shannon, She tells me and then turns on Sawyer. Later on, Sawyer then punches Gwen, beating her over and over again, causing her to bleed. Yeah well, theres something I gotta tell you later. I try to keep my voice as steady as possible, and am genuinely surprised when I see a look of confusion mixed with something else I cant quite place on Sawyers face. Well um, I know that youre making an enemy of people on this Island and I want to be a.. a fall back? I offer weakly. The jungle was sweltering hot for sunset, and her clothes were sticking to the cuts and gashes on her skin. Fanfiction Romance Ford James Lost Sawyer Alternate Universe Major Character Death. Its not even cold out. .We kind ofate it all. Right, no more food. The only person Ill tell is her, Sawyer replies. What the bloody hell was that? Charlie pants, and I nod along with the others. I make another sound of protest as she walks away toward Jack and Sayid. Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood, Sawyer says to Amelia one day. She's the type of girl that most would overlook if they were to see her in the street, at a party, or in a grocery store. He pushes in further into my tent, letting the flaps close behind him. What do you want, Sawyer? I repeat, and he just shakes his head and turns back to the wood. I know its a long shot, but knowing how easily Jack can be guilted I figure it would work. Well, if youve got a better idea, Jack answers. If they had gone with a hard sci-fi explanation, the show would be spinning off sequels like "Star Trek.". Steve and Kirsten, I dont know their last name, but they were really in love and were going to be married. All are multi-chapter; all but one are completed works. I think you and me were born with a lot of it then, Amelia muses, not looking up from her book. You an me arent all that different are we?. I feel myself stumble back, W-What? I choke out, I wasnt expecting that answer. So I found a pretty lady with a dumb husband who had some money. Perhaps a more indirect method will loosen your tongue? Sayid asks and I know whats coming. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://theothergeneration.wordpress.com/. It's just that at this moment there are no plans for reviving it. Uhhh, Boone tries to answer, but Sawyer sucker punches him right in the nose. I decide not to go boar hunting. My back and arms feel sticky and burning. Its a Tuesday, I know how to restrain myself, Amelia replied just as playfully, enjoying the light-ish banter after all the shit. Baby Steps by Wreckless Righter reviews Part IV. He goes as far as to cut Gwen, giving her cuts and scars that will forever remain with her and causing her to bleed. I drop my hands to my sides and pull my knees up as someone bursts into my tent. Then Jack shows up and begins to gather Sawyer out of his seat. Okay, Sawyer repeats. Here comes finally chapter 5, hope you like this, too! I open my eyes and beg Sawyer with him to stop. fanfic writer, trying to instill the love of lost in more people, I want Sawyer stopped. So in the spirit I set to work getting my tent set up with plenty of tarp, airplane seats, and a few airline blankets I found underneath another set of seats. Peachy, I say, feeling far from peachy. Thanks, jaty. fanfic writer, trying to instill the love of lost in more people. We walk back to the beach, Sawyer walking quietly beside me. You bet. Im up thinking. I try to place myself in the crash timeline when I hear a loud creaking sound and lots more yelling. Villains Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Just leave, He says to her calmly, before disappearing into the jungle. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don't wanna. Suddenly Shannon is there and Sawyer is off and away from Boone. I scramble to my feet to try and get Sawyer off Boone, but he pushes me away and I fall in the sand. Blue eyes that looks bad, he says and Amelias eyes flick up to his. Sawyer.. I plead, brushing the sand off my pants. Didnt think you had it in you, Sawyer taunts and Jack punches him again. Im sitting on the beach as always. Summary: Extreme peril is unraveling against the survivors and their children. "Jack?" How about you come a little closer and warm me up? Sawyer replies with a cheeky grin, and I half want to do what he says. Alright fine, your choice, Sawyer retorts, I wanted to know if you knew this was gonna happen! Hey Kate! I greet as I approach her, Need help with those?, Kate looks relieved as she begins to gather them up and hand them to me, score, Oh would you Amelia? Ill wait for you there, Amelia shot back, anger and malice lacing her voice to hide the shattering of her heart. Characters: Hugo, Ben, Kate, Sawyer, Claire, Rose, Bernard, Desmond, Penny . Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood, Sawyer says to Amelia one day. I hear a louder creak as a large body pulls me away, Hurley. I'm dreams_are_fanfiction and welcome to my LOST fanfiction site! I get to my tent and collapse in front of it pulling my knees up to my chest. What, you think you can just take something out of a suitcase and that makes it yours?, Which I had to move because everybody just wants to help themselves, Sawyer interjects, Look, I dont know what kind of commie share-fest youre running over in cave town, but down here possessions 9/10ths. I have a lot of skeletons in my closet, Sawyer replied with a chuckle. Shannon her inhalers., You attacked a kid for trying to help his sick sister.. We walk to where they are setting up things to burn the fuselage with and he drops my hand at the sight of Kate eying us. He reveals his true nature when he shouts at Gwen to come down the stairs, verbally abusing her by . To vote for the Complete Monster Proposals of the day, see: To vote for the Complete Monster Removal Proposals of the day, see: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! I fucked up royally, and Sawyer was right. This wasn't going to be a typical dance session. I yank my hands away from the trunk and my wrists free themselves. You know what I think, Ali. And I got them to give it to me. I think you and me were born with a lot of it then, Amelia muses, not looking up from her book. Sawyer x Amelia Oneshots by Lost in Fanfiction 362 1 6 A collection of stories (usually based on prompts) that range from short to long, and anywhere from fluffy, normal, or angsty. I look wildly around and see Jack holding a bucket looking guilty. I cry out when he grabs my wrists roughly and slides the bamboo into them. Splinters? Quickly fumbling to my tight seatbelt I unhook it and fall about 10ft from the tree I was in. I look to my left and see Sawyer tied to a tree. Do I hear a note of sarcasm in that statement? Amelia laughs, looking in Kates direction as she huffs away from Sawyers latest crack at her. I guess we both are, I mumble to myself and I notice Sawyer turn his head towards me. Help me with these will you, she replied, ignoring what he said. Sawyer stands next to me and I can feel his head turning slightly to look at Kate every now and again. Boone helps Shannon run. I see Sawyer standing behind Jack so I stand near him. I know your secret, Amelia bursts out one day. I can hear my heartbeat and the rushing of blood to my ears just before I pass out completely. Enjoy! He supports me on his lap as Jack pulls the knife out, blood spurts out of my arm and I cry out again. I take a steady breath in and pull off my shirt, Whoa whoa-! Sawyer begins but I shush him. Weeks before this I had just watched the finale. Dont stop now. Shit. The ones who aren't fortunate to overlook her will almost always wish they had. Were almost at the beach so I sprint away, admittedly not my most mature move. Everyone returns to their spots and I can see them glancing at me. I know you want to, Sawyer taunts Jack and I try to give him a withering look. ", Title: LOST - The Other Generation, by Kevin Bunch, Link: https://theothergeneration.wordpress.com/. I cry out again when Sawyers fists connects with Boones nose. Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood, Sawyer says to Amelia one day. Kate looks hard at Sawyer, but her expression softens when she sees me. Sayid holds a finger up to his lips to signal silence and I scramble out of my seat towards him. Dont stop now. Sit down, James, theres something you should know, I say quietly. A few minutes later I hear crunching in the sand. I know your secret, Amelia bursts out one day. I hop my way to the kitchen, pull out the trash bag, close it, then head outside through the sliding glass door. I plop my things down and raise my hand to my forehead to get a better look at him. A kiss, from you, right now? He doesnt seem serious, but the fluttering in my stomach makes me want to believe him. Your names not Sawyer, is it? Kate asks and I try to sit up more. I cant stand it anymore. "Just give it back when you're done," He says and I snap my head up. Lost: Juliet Lives Chapter 1, a lost fanfic | FanFiction Chapter One If you believe tales of old than you believe that there is only one other person out there in the world for you who can make you feel certain things. Length 44 chapters, 112870 words. Then Jack pulls a little flashlight out of his pocket and goes toward the plane. Jack hands the knife to Locke and says, You either have very good aim, or very bad aim, Mr, Locke, Micheal cuts in, His name is Locke., Okay Mr. Locke, what is it that were hunting? Jack asks, I think that is the first and only time Jack ever calls Locke Mister., Locke takes a breath and begins what seems to be a pretty well prepared speech, We know there are wild boar on the Island. Suddenly I hear a faint scream and realize, oh right, theres a commotion on the beach. Amelia! Oh yeah. What did I do to deserve this treatment? How many times do I have to tell you? Hes concerned, genuinely, and I can see LaFleur in him. I wait until Sawyer trails off into the jungle before I go hunting for a book. It doesnt have to be this way, Jack tries to say. So you can play games all you want, but I know theres a human being in there somewhere. I cant stand it anymore. Stop it you two! I yell out, the others in the cave glands at me but the two men ignore me. What do you want for the inhalers? I sigh, because I know the answer. Chapters . He winces when Amelia lifts up her shirt, his hand trembling as he reaches out. Nearly three years after leaving the island behind, Daniel has long given up hope of rescuing those stranded there. No, I whooped a thief cuz he was going through my stuff, Sawyer huffs. Jack and Sayid move away from the spot to go to get Kate. Amelia scoffed at first, but then realized he might just have a point. This will be mostly Sawyer x OC in the endgame but other ships may arise. I know hes going to the caves, and hes going to get punched. I know it means something to you. I wrote it knowing one day Id find him. Stay with her! I hear Jack yell to Hurley, talking about Claire. I know what you become! He glances at me and smirks before picking up a book and reading it. No! Jack pinched my artery closed as best as he can as Sawyers hands steady themselves at my waist to keep me still. My Inspiration(A Sawyer Hartman Love Story) 32 pages August 26, 2014 Marie . Betcha knew I would do that, Sawyer grumbles. Youre afraid of your dreams? Sawyer asks, a small ocean breeze fluttering open the tent flaps of Amelias tent. But its hard to explain, I cant, I cant fully explain it, I dont know how you want me to, I sputter out. I can watch Hurley and Charlie walk to the waters edge to try and fail at fishing. Notes: Script format. All I know is your name. The first thing we see is a promotional ad for a new TV show, Lost. Well, I was in Australia with my boyfriend on a hiking trip when he was shot and killed in front of me. You were just a kid, 8 maybe 9 years old.. I had a nightmare, a flashback, I say, wiping the tears from my eyes, I havent had them since I started med school, I wish they didnt come back.. Sawyer turns around. Help me with these will you, she replied, ignoring what he said. When he recovered, he shot back, More than you apparently. And it was Amelias turn to stand shocked. Itll probably be worse, He replies but Amelia shakers her head and looks off into the ocean. But one of these days Im going to find you and Im going to give you this letter so youll remember what you done to me. What makes you think hes going to listen to you? Jack asks, putting his hands on his hips like he always does. I can watch Claire give Sayid his envelope. I press my face in my hands and I wonder what he really means. Ive seen it. Oh fuck. Jack raises his hands in defeat, If you can find him, be my guest. I nod and he and Kate walk away. They deserve that. Hes just playing mind games with me. When it finally does start, I dont rush back to my tent. Ill deal with it later. He is the extremely abusive father of Gwen who abandoned her when she was three years old. Sawyer turns to me again to speak, Are you sure youre alright- He is cut off by a massive amount of turbulence. No. Hope you like chapter 5, too. How many times do I have to tell you? I follow not far behind Sawyer. Sayid stabs me instead. As I work I occasionally glance at Sawyer, Ive resigned myself to refraining from calling him by his real name to make sure I can keep my cover as long as possible. Gwen and her family are later brought to the hospital where their wounds are treated and they are revealed to have post traumatic stress disorder, with Gwen specifically having two years worth. How could I not? All are multi-chapter; all but one are completed works. Most action/adventure sequels are more sci-fi, at least that I've looked at. Yes, this is really happening. I know your secret, Amelia bursts out one day. My daddy shot my mom, Sawyer says, and I bite my tongue. ! I shout, trying to overcome my sobs. Looks like he hadnt traveled much as far as I can tell from his passport.. I took a knife for you, I say and he finally turns around. Itll probably be worse, He replies but Amelia shakers her head and looks off into the ocean. Must be cold without your trunks, I say, making no effort to keep the amusement out of my voice. Sawyer proceeds to beat Gwen again, punching her so hard she gets knocked down to the ground and dislocates and nearly breaks her arm, only stopping due to learning that she has a photo shoot in three hours. What? I felt they tied it a little too loose, and I try to maneuver my fingers to get myself untied. I close my eyes as Kate leans in and I know they kiss. I shudder slightly as he begins to trace the burn scars with his fingers. Oh shit. In progress. Its weird, though, sitting silently next to Sawyer as he sleeps and I read. Just as Im falling asleep I can feel a heavy arm sling across my body and a hoarse whisper that says, I promise to keep you safe.. Genre: Action/adventure. Hes been looking at me the whole time. Youre just not seeing the big picture here, Freckles. Also, clicking a chapter heading can cause an automatic download, unless you have that feature disabled in your browser. This girl might be the death of him. Words . Yet she didnt forget his words. But the show still garnered both interest and money from fans. Amelia what is he talking about? He asks. I intercept him once ahain, but at a cost. Who is this guy? Hurley says, saying out loud what we were all thinking. With one last withering glance at Sawyer I turn on my heel and follow them. What do you know about it? Amelia shouted and it echoed around the jungle. James, I shoot back. A/N: Hello! Im going to kill him, I can hear Jack say as I run up to the both of them. Until came the woman. While Im not a child, I am much younger than the rest of the survivors, I just hope they take me seriously. I struggle with my bonds and try to get my fingers away from Sayids hands. We walk through the jungle together for a while before Sawyer even speaks up. Sawyer jerks awake and without a smile Sayid says, Good morning, and slams the pipe down onto Sawyer. Hes just looking out for me, he probably thinks of me like a daughter. Just leave, He says to her calmly, before disappearing into the jungle. *. Why am I here, when I know I didnt exist here previously. Title . I lean up against the tree hes under and wait a beat. Jack turns to me. You alright there blue-eyes? The man to my left says to me in a gruff voice, James Sawyer Ford. Boars usual mode of attack is to circle around and charge from behind so I figure itll take at least three of us to distract her long enough for me to flank one of the piglets, pin it, and slit its throat.. Suddenly bright eyes meet ours and Jack says: We boost off the fuselage and run, Kate coming with Sawyer and I. Sayid helps Claire run. Jack? Kate calls to him, but Jack doesnt answer or look back. Could it be because Im younger? To get water? I offer with a feigned air of confidence. This girl might be the death of him. Now, the island seems to be calling him home. A subreddit for the fans and critics of the ABC television show Lost. I stare at him surprised. Sawyer! I call, feeling indignant. I know who you are! Tossing sand on the fire closest to me I decided to return to my tent as well. The romance-oriented sequels tend to lean more towards fantasy. I know Sawyer is going to be grieving after Juliet, so I might not even have a chance until after were off the Island. He releases me and I walk away from the memorial. I nod back. video store receipt lists his overdue charges for Willie Wonka and A Little Princess. The jungle was sweltering hot for sunset, and her clothes were sticking to the cuts and gashes on her skin. God I hate the early season!! I know who you are.. Do you know blue eyes? Part of me wants to find Jacob and ask him why he brought me here. Sawyer just lets out a huff as we make it up to the caves. And why didnt you stop?. A 250 pound rat, with scimitar-like tusks, and a surly disposition, whod love nothing more than to eviscerate anything that comes near. He did this to himself, Sayid replies, pushing right past me to poise the big metal pipe over Sawyers head. Not yet, Jack replies in a dark tone. I watch curiously, already interested. I quickly get fed up, at this point not really caring. He was a confidence man. I shut my eyes as Sayid starts with the bamboo under the fingernails. You dont seem fazed, I hear a voice say. Youre just getting to the good part, Sawyer cuts in sarcasally. To be honest I dont really want to be in the center of attention group, but I want to be important enough to not get killed by some freak accident, or fire arrows. Rushing forward I try to warn people about the large plane wing about to fall. I keep my mouth in a tight line to avoid from making any pathetic sounds. Trudging back to the beach I notice Sawyer gathering up some things. Honey Im sure its nothing, we had eggs the other day, My dad says as he soothingly pats my moms arm. . This sets Boone off, and he tries to punch Sawyer back. I know your secret, Amelia bursts out one day. Itll probably be worse, He replies but Amelia shakers her head and looks off into the ocean. I havent lived in LA all my life and the rain is a welcome change to the climate Im used to. I run up beside them, and Kate soon joins us. Which means that theres a mother nearby. I look down at my wrapped arm and realize Im only in my tank top. Where is it?. Sawyer lets go of my arm once hes pushed me inside of his tent. Dragging it through the sand I pick up some airplane seats and haul them over to where Sawyer seems to be setting up his tent. Right behind you, Jackass, Sawyer says next to me. She lifts her shirt slightly, hissing when the fabric grazes over the gash on her side. Then Sawyer shows up. Nobodys that disgusting. T-rated. c oneshotcollection abclost +8 more # 4 Hate or love? Im sure, Jack says, his voice full of malice. Do I hear a note of sarcasm in that statement? Amelia laughs, looking in Kates direction as she huffs away from Sawyers latest crack at her. I think you and me were born with a lot of it then, Amelia muses, not looking up from her book. I want to ask if hes going to the memorial, but he speaks up first. Please let me know if youd like to be tagged in updates! Sawyer decided to take a nap so I decide to continue to read Of Mice and Men. Stop what, Chico? Sawyer asks and I look over to see Sayid making bamboo spikes. Well, that didnt end the way I expected, but at least nobody important died, Amelia pants, lowering herself into the sand. Judith Martha Wexler from Denton, TX, guess she was going to catch a connecting flight, Claire says at the memorial. Youre gonna have to be more specific there, blue eyes. Jeff The Killer (Creepypasta Expanded Universe). James I begin softly but he shakes his head. Long time no see, Sawyer says casually and I walk over slowly. Want to see what kind of trouble we can get into? Amelia asks with a glint in her eye that for once Sawyer cant to seem to decipher. Title: LOST Again: After Ajira 316, by Lola'sStillLost. I dont remember why hes so petulant in this episode. I should have died, but I didnt.. I do so and turn back around, and when I do I see tears in his eyes. Except, I dont find myself getting burnt, or even remotely tan for that matter. Hell, I wondered when you were going to stop asking nice, Sawyer drawls as he makes to stand. He sits in the sand next to me, not speaking and just staring out at the ocean with me. Sayid shifts to get behind me and my tied hands. Just tell me where the inhalers are and well stop, Jack explains to Sawyer. fanfic writer, trying to instill the love of lost in more people. I start to make my way towards where I know Sawyers clothes to be. Im okay right here. I smile at him through the wet strands of my hair. Pain. I can see 3 boars running into the jungle and I slow down with everyone else. I want to help! I dont get it, Amelia pants, lowering herself onto the nearest log she can find. Youre manipulating right now, Amelias smile never falters as she speaks. Birds flew away from the volume of her voice. I look to my left and try to hold in the sharp gasp that forces its way up my throat. Characters: Hugo, Ben, Alvar Hanso, original characters. He looks at me curiously, almost like hes seen me before. "You alright there blue-eyes?" The cave people malice lacing her voice voice cuts through the jungle before I pass out completely at! Myself in the sand off my shirt, Whoa whoa- says, his voice lost sawyer fanfiction of malice my daddy my! To give him a withering look one last withering glance at Sawyer I on... Sawyers hands steady themselves at my waist to keep me still hope of rescuing those stranded.... 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