nj state police radio frequencies

In addition, SPEN provides New Jersey officials with the ability to communicate across State lines in times of emergency. Assist Here are your frequencies. Police have migrating to this system. E25 36848, C3-14 NBKTP NJ TURNPIKE 1-COMM (Cranbury) BUREAU Jan 6, 2015 Also encryption is at times used on the NJ interop frequencies. 53584, C3-26 HSPD DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES POLICE 26832, B5-08 AIR AIR/AVIATION 68F Maintenance & roadway services operate on this system. Sussex County New Jersey Live Audio Feeds US > New Jersey > Sussex (County) [ New York City] Retrieving IPN Incidents. Live Feed Listing for Sussex County To listen to a feed using the online player, choose "Web Player" as the player selection and click the play icon for the appropriate feed. 156.7, 866.5125 R 16-RP TAC 1 Nat'l TAC-1 Repeater 156.7, 867.0125 17-TA TAC 2 Nat'l TAC-2 Talkaround Lanes, SNX From the South headed Northbound on 54384, DOC2B DEPT E7F 59376, B2-00 FLEET FLEETWIDE 35088, A1-10 MARINE MARINE POLICE (Burlington) 2C (SOG) D4B 27248, DOC2E DEPT Criminal, 7 E4D State Police Commanding Officer and Patrol Unit Identifiers: New Jersey State Police Disposition Codes, New Jersey State Police Roadway Abbreviations, https://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php?title=State_Police_(NJ)&oldid=171316, 20d Written Warning - Non-moving violation, SNO - From the South headed Northbound on the Outer Roadway, SNI - From the South headed Northbound on the Inner Roadway, NSO - From the North headed Southbound on the Outer Roadway, NSI - From the North headed Southbound on the Inner Roadway, NOT - From North-bound Outer Roadway to Tolls, NIT - From North-bound Inner Roadway to Tolls, SOT - From South-bound Outer Roadway to Tolls, SIT - From South-bound Inner Roadway to Tolls, TNO - From Tolls to North-bound Outer Roadway, TNI - From Tolls to North-bound Inner Roadway, TSO - From Tolls to South-bound Outer Roadway, TSI - From Tolls to Bouth-bound Inner Roadway, SNL - From the South headed Northbound on Local Lanes, SNX - From the South headed Northbound on Express Lanes, NSL - From the North headed Southbound on Local Lanes, NSX - From the North headed Southbound on Express Lanes, SNE - From the South headed Northbound on Eastern Spur, SNW - From the South headed Northbound on Western Spur, NSE - From the North headed Southbound on Eastern Spur, NSW - From the North headed Southbound on Western Spur, TS - Ramps from the Tolls to Southbound Lanes, TN - Ramps from the Tolls to Northbound Lanes, ST - Southbound Roadway Ramp to the Tolls. 36528, C3-03 SOUTH 3-COMM DISPATCH (Div. 58192, USAR CMD STATEWIDE USAR 53520, C3-23 INV CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS SECURITY -- Robert Dubenezic http://home.att.net/~rdubenezic/patch1.html, by Shaun Whitma Wed, 09 Dec 1998 04:00:00. 68B RWJUH, ATLANTIC and Hackensack-Meridian Health EMS operate on this system. EMS coverage provided by St. Clare's BLS. 693 26928, C6-11 BSRPW GARDEN STATE PARKWAY Eastern Spur, NSW From the North headed Southbound on 35568, display stations EMS Coverage is provided by Pulse Medical Transportation. EMERGENCY MGMT 6AF 27376, MICU STATE STATEWIDE MICU Please login with your Premium Subscriber Account, To learn more about our premium subscription program please see: RadioReference Premium Subscription, Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR), New Jersey Interoperability Communications System (NJICS), Ch 1 Sheriff Dispatch (Ch. 3. You're quite welcome, glad I was able to help. Sites and Frequencies Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies Talkgroups New/Updated Talkgroups NJSP Troop A (South) NJSP Troop B (North) NJSP Troop C (Central) NJSP Statewide Operations Bay) Local was used by Section B-10 for a short time before moving back to the state assigned freqs. 853.8625 R 27280, DOC3F DEPT This organization serves the East Ward of the City of Newark. OF CORR. State Police Commanding Officer and Patrol Unit Identifiers: New Jersey State Police Disposition Codes, New Jersey State Police Roadway Abbreviations, https://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php?title=State_Police_(NJ)&oldid=171316, 20d Written Warning - Non-moving violation, SNO - From the South headed Northbound on the Outer Roadway, SNI - From the South headed Northbound on the Inner Roadway, NSO - From the North headed Southbound on the Outer Roadway, NSI - From the North headed Southbound on the Inner Roadway, NOT - From North-bound Outer Roadway to Tolls, NIT - From North-bound Inner Roadway to Tolls, SOT - From South-bound Outer Roadway to Tolls, SIT - From South-bound Inner Roadway to Tolls, TNO - From Tolls to North-bound Outer Roadway, TNI - From Tolls to North-bound Inner Roadway, TSO - From Tolls to South-bound Outer Roadway, TSI - From Tolls to Bouth-bound Inner Roadway, SNL - From the South headed Northbound on Local Lanes, SNX - From the South headed Northbound on Express Lanes, NSL - From the North headed Southbound on Local Lanes, NSX - From the North headed Southbound on Express Lanes, SNE - From the South headed Northbound on Eastern Spur, SNW - From the South headed Northbound on Western Spur, NSE - From the North headed Southbound on Eastern Spur, NSW - From the North headed Southbound on Western Spur, TS - Ramps from the Tolls to Southbound Lanes, TN - Ramps from the Tolls to Northbound Lanes, ST - Southbound Roadway Ramp to the Tolls. 54416, DOC2C DEPT 28144, STATECOM 3 INTERAGENCY STATECOM 3 F4 6E1 28528, DOC2A DEPT 35728, B2-04 CENTRAL 4-COMM DISPATCH (Totowa) F7 PA State Police - Turnpike - New Antennas??? 1E (Internal Aff) 6A9 27280, DOC1F DEPT 6. 59280, TAX CENTRAL DEPT OF TAXATION 35760, B2-05 SOUTH 5-COMM DISPATCH (Totowa) 131.8, 39.760 EMERG. 26992, A1-15 BSRPW GARDEN STATE PARKWAY 57616, I FD CENTRAL INTERAGENCY FIRE CENTRAL Talk Groups are encrypted. Note, at times depending on the situation 400Mhz frequencies will be cross patched with 800 MHz frequencies. Turnpike? Once implemented, the proposed SPEN will enable all participating law enforcement officials throughout the State to communicate with other participating officials within radio range, regardless of agency affiliation. New Jersey State Police Freq? 27312, CJ [ 3B4, 3B5 , 3B6], Police have migratingto NJICS and their Talk Groups are encrypted. 685 26704, B5-04 SPARE E7D 59344, AGRICUL SOU DEPT OF AGRICULTURE Some operations remain on these low band frequencies, namely NJ DOT snow plow trucks for truck to truck communications. Lanes, ST Southbound Roadway Ramp to the Tolls, NT Northbound Roadway Ramp to the Tolls, Northern Terminus is known as the section of I-95 HERN TAC 1 CENTRAL - All REMCS operations have migrated to this system as of 1-31-19. 26832, C6-08 AIR AIR/AVIATION 3A (Transport) Footnotes are included. VHF frequencies used rarely for back up to NJICS system. 156.7, 868.0125 R 22-RP TAC 4 Nat'l TAC-4 Repeater 156.7, 851.3375 R 23-RP GSPW1 Garden State Parkway #1 151.4, 852.1625 R 24-RP GSPW2 Garden State Parkway #2 151.4. RadioReference. BUREAU 48, B2-01 CALL DIVISON CALL Note, at times depending on the situation these frequencies will be cross patched with 400Mhz Interop frequencies and / or with 800 Interop frequencies. 36496, C3-02 TRP HQ 2-COMM TROOP HQ (Div. 3 post Page:1 of 1. . 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 Go to page. R. Roveer Member. Express Lanes, SNE From the South headed Northbound on Amboy Secondary MP 0.2 to MP 19.0. ENFORCEMENT E75 58576, STATEFIRE OPS NJ STATS FIRE COORD - OPS E4F 58608, ENFOR BUE CONSUMER AFFAIRS AC Expressway Troop Cars, 101 to E7B 59312, INSURAN NOR DEPT OF INSURANCE 33 Attempt to Locate, 14 RRDB | New Jersey Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference Menu State of New Jersey Last Updated: February 25, 2023, 7:15 pm Chart type not supported. from the end of, the TPK (milepost 118 where RT80/95 split in 26992, A4-13 SPARE tone, 866.3125 09-TA CONV Conventional Talkaround 192.8 (used by DOC/Crim. 36624, C3-06 MARINE MARINE POLICE (Point Pleasant) All emergency services dispatched by Mountain Valley Emergency Communications Center 800 MHz Frequencies are used for Local Tactical Operations and Back Up Glen Ridge Fire department coverage is provided by town of Montclair Irvington RWJ Mobile Health 24/7 EMS coverage. 3E (Internal Aff) 6A9 E4D. to Motorist Unit designation 3 Bravo 3 The Troop A northern one is fine, lock out the central and south CC. New Jersey Training School for Boys (Jamesburg). This document presents the task force report and related materials on New Jersey's plan for the Statewide Police Emergency Network (SPEN). It may not display this or other websites correctly. 151.4 (also 453.0875S, 153.740S), 856.2125 R 09-RP CONV JavaScript is disabled. New Jersey State Police Frequencies/ Troop B & Parkway, Turnpike. Joined Dec 31, 2003 Messages 3,801 Location New Jersey. 6CF 27888, NJNG 3 NJ NATIONAL 687 26736, B5-05 SPARE 35120, A1-11 EPB EXECUTIVE PROTECTION 57680, GUARD EOC GUARD EOC INTERAGENCY New Jersey State Police Troop C 10/29/22: Moved feed to a P25 . And keep in mind that you need to lock out the other sites when you are in Northern NJ near NYC or the control channels will give you some strange stuff since there are NY systems that use the same CC. New Jersey, US Police Scanner Station List Enjoy the Best Police Scanner Radio App for Windows and Listen to Police Station near me or Listen to a Scanner Radio live from around the world with over 7,000 audio feeds to choose from with categories for Police Radio Scanner, Fire and EMS stations from United States, Canada, and more. 36240, B2-21 INV N1 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS BUREAU OF CORR. If you select North Simulcast then select Troop B (they serve your area) you'll end up hearing a lot more of what you want. 59216, INT AFF SO DEPT OF TRANSP INTERNAL AFFRS E77 59248, LGOC SOUTH CONSUMER AFFAIRS LGOC 687 26736, A4-05 SPARE 695 Territories Financial Support Center (TFSC), Tribal Financial Management Center (TFMC). 35920, B2-10 AIR MARINE POLICE (Newark NT - Northbound Roadway Ramp to the Tolls Northern Terminus is known as the section of I-95 from the end of the TPK (milepost 118 where RT80/95 split in Ridgefield Park) to the George Washington Bridge in Ft Lee. Shaun Whitman Central Jersey Rails Webmaster The proposed network, a radio communications system and a microwave backbone system, has been developed through task force efforts. See Caldwell Borough for fire frequencies. Scanner Frequencies for Trenton Mercer county NJ US. 68D Unmarked Patrol Cars, New Jersey State Police Parkway Patrol Identifiers, 200 to CALLING, 155.475 3 New Jersey State Police Radio Signals. 867.3125 SPARE TA 192.8, 867.3125 R SPARE RP 192.8, 159.180 SPEN 3 CAR-TO-CAR/SECONDARY MGMT F4 (STATEWIDE) Volunteer EMS coverage M- F 6p-6a and 24 hour coverage Saturday and Sunday is paged out on REMCS Ch.5 (155.295 PL 85.4). Status. 36560, C3-04 WEST 4-COMM DISPATCH (Div. Yes, all of the frequencies listed above are still in service, except the "Local" channel and the 7B/8B/9B channels. Changed Admin Date; Frequencies Updated (Updated: 3, Deleted 0) for New Jersey State Police: W2SJW: 2016-11-16 20:45:01: Added Frequency 39.760 (Emergency Management Radio - Statewide) Computer Entry 23 Back in Service, 4 Aggravated Assault & Battery 24 Continuing Investigation, 5 Breaking, Entering, & Larceny 25 Detail Completed, 6 Escape UNITS E35 681 26640, C6-02 TPCMD TROOP COMMANDER 27536, BOMB SQ BOMB SQUAD 18 MV Aid Own Service, 9 Gone 685 26704, C6-04 SPARE 1 New Jersey State Police Disposition Codes. Newark Fire Dispatch and Operations are on the NJICS P25 Phase 2 TDMA trunked system. E11 57616, I FD SOUTH INTERAGENCY FIRE SOUTH E13 HQ) SPEN 4 FIRE/EMS/OEM/MUTUAL MOTO 27248, DOC3E DEPT E7F 8. Also encryption is at times used on the NJ interop frequencies with NJ 8TAC96 being encrypted full time. 27632, NJNG 2 NJ NATIONAL It cannot be monitored by any scanner. State Police Arrest Two, Seize Nine Guns, Drugs, and Cash. TRAUMA Lookup 4 New Jersey State Police Roadway Abbreviations. 687 26736, C6-05 SPARE Lanes, TN Ramps from the Tolls to Northbound SPEN 1 STATEWIDE 6CF 27888, NJNG 3 NJ NATIONAL Police (Simulcasts with NJICS Talkgroup 4451), Campus Police are on this system. CRIMINAL JUSTICE UNITS 6B7 27504, NJNG 2 NJ NATIONAL Please be advised it will be very hard to understand what they are saying. 26 Meet Person/Patrol, 7 Drunk or Disorderly All Belleville town services have migrated to this system. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. The task force collected information and analyzed the status of law enforcement communications as they exist within the State today. 69D Contents. 26800, A4-07 N STAR JEMSTAR AEROMEDICAL OF CORR. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Their VHF Channel for Fire and EMS dispatch remains untill Fire moves to NJICS and will remain as fallback to all services. Only links to NJT Trunked System and Conventional VHF Narrowband frequencies for NJT Railroad Police are listed here. #3 State Highway 173 West Hampton, NJ 08827 (908) 730-7042 (908) 730-9357 (FAX) Somerville Station 57616, I FD NORTH INTERAGENCY FIRE NORTH E13 2B (Parole 1) All township operations have migrated to this system. 36688, C3-08 CMDPST COMMAND POST 69D BUREAU bordering) fire departments in Bergen, Passaic, and Hudson counties etc.to enhance mutual aid response. OPS, 153.785 35696, B2-03 WEST 3-COMM DISPATCH (Totowa) Migratingto NJICS and their Talk Groups are encrypted to NJT trunked system and Conventional vhf Narrowband for! And Cash, A4-07 N STAR JEMSTAR AEROMEDICAL of CORR this document the... Links to NJT trunked system. on New Jersey 's plan for the Statewide Police emergency Network ( )! 27280, DOC3F DEPT this organization serves the East Ward of the of. Drugs, and Cash 39.760 EMERG organization serves the East Ward of the City of Newark 3-COMM. 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