new madrid fault predictions 2022

DCI plans tohost the inaugural Central U.S. Quake Summit, under the theme "Closing the Gap," in May in St. Louis. It crosses 5 state lines and cuts across the Mississippi River in 3 places and the Ohio River in 2 places. "You are nowhere near a plate boundary," Sandvol said. We always encourage people to look at their insurance coverage, look at things like your utilities, if you have a hot water heater, making sure its strapped," said Sarah Russell, commissioner of emergency management for St. Louis. These are the rules they are required to follow so we, in our schoolhouse, can rise to opportunities. In Missouri alone the population has increased from383, 702 in 1810, to over six million today. Nancy Comment: They are only allowed to give us sequence of events. "So where is that (earthquake) energy coming from?". Because a New Madrid Seismic Zone earthquake cannot be predicted, it is important to take steps to learn about earthquakes and to protect yourself. When the hard rock hook in the water under Turkey snaps, will the jolt transfer to parts beyond Turkey? It's worth emphasizing that this is no reason for alarm. Packington has predicted vaguely that 2022 will bring even more scandals and "misery" to the royal familyafter tossing a handful of asparagus in the air and interpreting how they landed. Source:ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for January 31, 2022, !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); They know that overcoming complacency is among their biggest hurdles. We have learned a tremendous amount about the New Madrid seismic zone since 1985. There also is the general earthquake monitoring system. In the New Madrid region, sand blows can still be seen on the surface today. The zone stretches 150 miles, crossing parts of Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee, centered on the town of New Madrid. Wow, that's a busy year. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. We now know that some of the sand blows pre-date 1811 and formed as the result of prehistoric New Madrid earthquakes. The Mainland Portion of N America has been dropping steadily, dragging land from eastern Canada as well as the entire west of N America to drop heavily on Mexico. The upper 30 meters of sediment within the embayment includes sand, silt, and clay deposited by the Mississippi, Ohio, St. Francis, and White Rivers and their tributaries over the past 60,000 years. Other relatively young faults, which are not necessarily associated with recent earthquakes, or the main seismicity trend in the New Madrid region, are shown in this map. That means the one the "time traveler" predicted would be bigger. The Pacific compressed on January 14. "Columbia is not in the very highest seismic zone. In addition, the size and spatial distributions of historic and sand blows that formed about 1450 A.D. and 900 A.D. were determined to be strikingly similar to each other, suggesting that the prehistoric earthquakes had similar locations and magnitudes to the 1811-1812 earthquakes. He forecast that it would . These would have significant effect on the landscape in terms of damming streams, spewing sand and mud into fields, and causing areas near bluffs and rivers to slide and form a broken up surface. Other regions have seismic zones that aren't near plate boundaries, but there are more easily defined reasons for earthquakes happening there than at New Madrid, he said. The smaller earthquakes that continue in the area today are typically more of a nuisance than a catastrophe. October 21, 2022. The New Madrid Seismic Zone, also known as the New Madrid Fault Line, is a major seismic zone in the US. The New Madrid region sees about 200 small earthquakes per year, the Missouri Department of Commerce and Insurance reported. Our words during the initial prediction in 2010 were also therewillbe one large jolt with a subsequent and almost immediate tearing of the Atlantic. This large jolt has not yet happened, but the unzipping from the juncture at the Cocos Plate and then through the Pemex gas fields and into the Gulf has started. The presence of Native Americans is still evident today in the occasional mound not yet destroyed by modern agricultural practices and the abundant potsherds, lithic tools and points, and bone fragments found in plowed fields and river and ditch cutbanks. This process is accompanied by high pore water pressures that can force sand, water, and mud upward, often forming the signature sand blows of the New Madrid seismic zone. Yet rip it must as the Eurasian Plate has lost any friction preventing movement where the African Plate formerly snugged up against it through the Mediterranean and down through the Red Sea. Generally, we have met with the CUSEC State Geologists and been able to come to agreement at least between the State Surveys and the USGS, as well as many other scientists. The New Madrid Seismic Zone is unique, though, because by all accounts it should not even exist in the first place, Sandvol said. In this way, sand blows across the New Madrid region were found to have formed during earthquakes about 1450 A.D., 900 A.D., 300 A.D., and 2350 B.C. map and graphic published in 1989 estimating the extent of damage that would be caused by a strong earthquake along the New Madrid fault. USGS says the New Madrid Fault, which runs through a number of midwestern states, has been identified as an area that has potential for larger and more powerful quakes than previously. Tweet "It was more of a scary event, more of a wake-up call for people in southeast Missouri than it was an extremely damaging event," he said. New Madrid Fault Zone. In fact, the U.S. Geological Survey has admitted that the New Madrid fault zone has the " potential for larger and more powerful quakes than previously thought ", and the number of significant earthquakes in the middle part of the country has more than quintupled in recent years. The source of all this anxiety is the fabled New Madrid Seismic Zone. The Mississippi embayment is underlain by Paleozoic sedimentary rocks up to 570 millions years old. Below are publications associated with this project. Meanwhile, the SE Portion resists and wants to cling to the rolling Africa Plate, as can be seen from the plethora of quakes there. If the pore-water pressure increases to the point that it equals the weight of the overlying soil, the sediment liquefies and behaves as a fluid. But hundreds of emergency managers, transportation leaders, geologists and others gathered Thursday in St. Louis to discuss ways to improve preparations, looking at areas that have put procedures in place 'just in case' it happens. The stress point could not be more clear. Most of the earthquake preparation in the U.S. has so far have been focused on California, which experts say isabout 80 years overdue for 'The Big One', amassive earthquake where tectonic plates slide past each other along the 800-mile long San Andreas fault. Although there are uncertainties regarding their age ranges, certain pottery and point types, as well as plant remains, are considered diagnostic of various cultural periods. Earthquakes are felt in mid-Missouri, but not to the severity as those closer to the epicenter. This will go hand-in-hand with ways to prepare for a larger earthquake and how to protect yourself. New Madrid dwindled to insignificance and decay; the people trembling in their miserable hovels at the distant and melancholy rumbling of the approaching shocks. It stretches out to the southwest from New Madrid, Missouri. This will come up from the Gulf, travel up the Mississippi River and along the East Coast Fault Line, and finalize under the Seaway. One psychic is on record for a major earthquake in the New Madrid fault in July 2022. For the record, as the USGS notes, the largest quake in American history was a 9.2 in Alaska in 1964. While New Madrid has been relatively dormant for hundreds of years, it is still possible it could produce a major earthquake. When you look at each individual quake, you'll see they were all minor in the 2 magnitude range. On Dec 7 the fact that Africa has loosened up along all its borders is apparent. St. Louis, Indianapolis and Little Rock, Arkansas, are close enough for concern. earthquakes are composed of multiple, fining upward layers similar in thickness to those that formed in 1811-1812. Still, most homes and commercial buildings within the region aren't earthquake ready, according to emergency planners in the region. But the New Madrid Fault Line centered near the southeast Missouri town of New Madrid produced three magnitude 7.5 to 7.7 earthquakes that rang church bells as far away as South Carolina, caused farmland to sink into swamps and briefly caused the Mississippi River to flow backward. . In addition, the earthquakes liquefied subsurface sediment over a large area and at great distances resulting in ground fissuring and violent venting of water and sediment. 'We always encourage people to look at their insurance coverage, look at things like your utilities, if you have a hot water heater, making sure it's strapped,' said Sarah Russell, commissioner of emergency management for St. Louis. #1. ST. LOUIS Experts have warned for decades that a large swath of the central U.S. is at high risk for a devastating earthquake. If it's going to split America, that's New Madrid Fault 100%. Read more on ArcGIS Story Maps. This alignment will culminate in 2024, with when earth's gravitational pull by the sun will be cancelled out as earth moves directly between an aligned Jupiter and Saturn, and into the magnetic . Researchers have also long debated just how much of a hazard New Madrid poses, with some earlier studies suggesting the fault was 'dead'. 2023 Created by 0nin2migqvl32. The plethora or rock types show why Greece fractured into pieces and the rock hook under Turkey is in the process of fracturing too. The maximum geologic acceleration predicted for this event is expected to be in the 12+ range in much the same way as the meteor prophecy. A geologist will provide history on the New Madrid Seismic Zone and information onits behavior, he added. Would your business or family be prepared? I noticed some interesting activity on the New Madrid and decided to look at what's been happening over the last 7 days. Action on both sides of the globe! The most obvious effects of the 1811-1812 earthquakes are the large sandy deposits, known as sand blows, resulting from eruption of water and sand to the ground surface. Mexico has nowhere to go with this heavy drop, and the stress on the rock in Central Mexico is apparent in the SO2 readings. On Dec 8 the region around Mugla Greece/Turkey is the focus of the rock hook under Turkey shattering. , updated This focus on California has made it harder for experts in Missouri to convince officials and the public to be prepared. We know they happen frequently along the earth's tectonic plates. June 8, 2019 10:29PM. The number of lives lost from the earthquakes remains unknown; however, scholars note that the number was . That's estimated to be about a 25 to 40% chance in that same 50-year time period. Many were taught in school the crazy things that happened in 1811 and 1812 when the last disastrous quake hit Missouri. A historic article from Forbes tells us that, during this time, the earthquake impacted most of the eastern half of the United States. The smallest earthquakes people generally feel are2.5 magnitude. "The (United States Geological Survey) and its Earthquake Hazards Program is always underfunded.". 3659'N, 8959'W Type Partial Rift Areas affected US Midwest, any places in the vicinity of the New Madrid Fault Total damages $65-80 billion Maximum intensity VII - Major Foreshocks Unknown Aftershocks 3,016 - which lasted till the end of February 2025. "Doing science can be an expensive thing," Sandvol said. Emergency managers from the city, county and state level say they're trying to raise awareness with residents. Some communities have been more proactive than others in their preparations. In the central U.S., fault features are not expressed at the surface. Themajority of earthquakes over the past six months measured between1.0-2.0 magnitude, according to arecent earthquakes map from the University of Memphis Center for Earthquake Research and Information. An official website of the United States government. The number of peoplewith earthquake insurance in the six-county New Madrid region in Missouri dropped 47% between 2000 and 2020, from around 60% to nearly13% of residents, DCI said. Furthermore, sand blows attributed to the 1450 A.D., 900 A.D., and 2350 B.C. The entire state only experienced 38 quakes in 2009. 4 earthquakes in the past 7 days. Thanks for the ask. Matthew Clutter, a Federal Emergency Management Agency operational planner, said a magnitude 7.7 earthquake in the New Madrid zone could displace nearly 850,000 people in up to eight states.. Zetatalk - New Madrid Fault Line - Ready to JOLT. Hundreds of emergency managers, transportation leaders, geologists and others devoted to earthquake preparedness gathered Thursday in St. Louis for the annual Missouri Earthquake Summit to discuss the latest information on risks, preparedness strategies and recovery planning. Which it did, as the unzipping at the start of the New Madrid Fault Line began at the breach where the Tehuantepec Ridge fracture on the Cocos Plate connects with the fracture on the thin crust on the tip of Mexico just below the Pemex gas fields. Studies focusing on earthquake-induced liquefaction features utilized archaeology and radiocarbon dating to estimate the ages of liquefaction features, and thus, the timing of the earthquakes that caused them. For example, Bell Plain, Campbell Appliqu, and Parkin Punctate pottery and Nodena points are diagnostic of the Late Mississippian period; Old Town Red pottery and Madison points are diagnostic of the Middle Mississippian period; Varney Red Filmed pottery is diagnostic of the Early Mississippian period; and Barnes pottery and Table Rock stemmed points are diagnostic of the Late Woodland period. Would the Zetas be kind enough to give us at least one day, 24 hrs notice-warning before the New Madrid rupture? UPDATE: There was just a 2.2 in Illinois south of St. Louis in Illinois which makes it a swarm of 8 earthquakes now. In the last week of June, the General Land Office is exploring the New Madrid Fault, also known as the New Madrid Seismic Zone. The USGS estimates there's a 7 to 10 percent chance of a repeat of the 1811-1812 sequence happening in the next 50 years. Where will the Cocos and Pacific rupture this time? In most situations, the State Surveys are the ones responsible to the State Governors and the USGS works closely with them. The Earthquake Hazards Program in fiscal year 2021 saw a budget reduction of $24.5 million. Do you have a plan? campaign. The first earthquake occurred on December 16, 1811, at 2:1, This handbook provides information to residents of the Central United States about the threat of earthquakes in that area, particularly along the New Madrid seismic zone, and explains how to prepare for, survive, and recover from such events. But earthquakes also happen in the eastern and central U.S. Until 2014, when the dramatic increase in earthquake rates gave Oklahoma the number one ranking in the conterminous U.S., the most seismically active area east of the Rocky Mountains was in the Mississippi Valley area known as the New Madrid seismic zone. All we know is that this has not happened in the past few 1811-1812-sized New Madrid earthquake sequences. In Memphis, the Interstate 40 bridge into the city received a $260 million retrofit to protect against a strong earthquake. There is no prediction for its next event. 211 years since massive earthquake hits New Madrid fault. This will cause a bigger problem today, due to an increase in population. Earthquakes that occur in the New Madrid Seismic Zone potentially threaten parts of seven American states: Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi. This earthquake-prone region has been extremely active in the past and scientists predict it will be just as active in the near future. I have a few life rules. New Madrid has had: (M1.5 or greater) 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours. In eastern North America, where near-surface faulting is uncommon or difficult to identify, paleoseismology often employs liquefaction features to learn about prehistoric earthquakes. One of the 1812 earthquakes occurred on a fault that actually crossed the river three times. Sand blows formed over an extremely large area about 10,400 square kilometers. Shaking can cause ground failure of various types, including liquefaction and landsliding. Radiocarbon dating of plant remains is the most commonly used dating technique in paleoseismology. In this way-someday in the future when there's a devastating earthquake in California or the New Madrid fault-line, we will knowledgeable and expereinced in dealing with this type of crisis. to 1670 A.D. Areas with softer soil, such as near a river, will feel a more severe ground shakethan areas closer to hard rock. This type of landslide known as lateral spreading is commonly responsible for damage to infrastructure (bridges, roads, buildings) during major earthquakes. In Memphis, the Interstate 40 bridge into the city received a $260 million retrofit to protect against a strong earthquake. In total about 45 million people live within the area that will be most impacted. [2] Contents 1 Location 2 Geology 3 Earthquake history 3.1 Prehistoric earthquakes 3.2 December 25, 1699 3.3 1811-12 earthquake series 3.4 1812-1900 Europe will settle into the deepening Mediterranean, Russia will rip further, and N America will be torn apart. Earthquake strikes are the hardest to prepare for, officials say, especially where there has. He was a co-authoron research intowhat is known as site amplification. There is a 25% to 45% chance of a 6.0 magnitude or greater earthquake striking in that time. 190 earthquakes in the past 365 days. 18 earthquakes in the past 30 days. Computer Simulation of a Magnitude 7.7 Earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone. January 16, 2023: Deaths from strokes, heart attacks, blood clots, cancers, and other diseases and medical conditions will increase from 2022 onward in number, but around April 2028 people will begin dropping dead like flies. The geologic record of pre-1811 earthquakes reveals that the New Madrid seismic zone has repeatedly produced sequences of major earthquakes, including several of magnitude 7 to 8, over the past 4,500 years. The New Madrid Fault Zone is 150 miles long and extends through five states, including Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, and Tennessee. How the NE corner of Africa will drop can be visualized as the Zetas identified snap line from the Dodec Islands down to the Suez Canal is outlined by SO2 emissions, and the Red Sea is showing a scraping/tearing stress also. Missouri's earthquake risk " (We want to) outline the earthquake. Prediction #2 is the disappearance of 2 million people on August 9. What is the estimate of the recurrence interval for 1811-1812 type earthquakes? Having slide its foot into the S Atlantic on December 5, it is now tortured in a twist as it slides down and simultaneouosly pushes to the EAST. Wisconsin valley train deposits formed during the glacial period from 10,000-60,000 years ago, and the Holocene meander belt deposits were laid down during the past 10,000 years. The State Emergency Management Agency,Department of Commerce and Insurance, and the Missouri Insurance Education Foundationare partneringon a project to encourage residents in southeast Missouri to seek earthquake insurance. What is the potential for a large New Madrid earthquake triggering an earthquake in the Wabash Valley? Ap, Huge swathes of Midwest at risk from earthquakes caused by little-understood New Madrid fault, warn experts, Unravelling the mystery of the 2021 global tsunami: Huge wave in the South Atlantic Ocean that travelled more than 6,000 MILES around the world was triggered by a shallow, 'almost invisible' earthquake, study reveals, Tonga underwater volcanic eruption will NOT plunge Earth into another 'Year Without a Summer' and will have a smaller cooling impact than first thought, study reveals. Scientists estimate that the . "It is imperative that we plan our resiliency and recovery strategies before a major seismic event strikes the New Madrid region.. When they are, the USGS sometimes has held workshops to try to come to a consensus and at other times has announced our own internal consensus. The unzipping then arrived at the Pemex gas fields, where the coverup over this process forced a temporary closure of the Raspberry Shakes seismograph which was then adjusted to disguise the process ongoing. 19:48 GMT 04 Mar 2022 No one knows what causes New Madrid earthquakes. You might recall that St. Louis had a quake felt by thousands back in April. Paleoseismology is the study of the timing, location, and magnitude of prehistoric earthquakes preserved in the geologic record. However, it is VERY important to note that these estimates alone do not include information about WHERE the earthquakes might occur and therefore what shaking might affect any given location. When a4.0 magnitude earthquake occurred Nov. 18about 4 1/2miles south of Williamsville in southeast Missouri, it was even lightly felt in Columbia. - It is a matter of when and not if there will be a major earthquake in the New Madrid seismic zone centered about 160 miles south of St. Louis. No one present day wants to experience anything like that. The New Madrid fault is expected to generate a large-scale earthquake within the next 50 years. On Dec 6 we continue to see the heavy drop of the Mainland Portion of N America. Though the fault line still produces about 200 small earthquakes each year, people within the region have heard warnings for so long about the next Big One that, for many, it goes in one ear and out the other. Total casualties 2,012 dead, 31,887 injured, 6,500 missing For the record, as the USGS notes, the largest quake in American history was a 9.2 in Alaska in 1964. This is caused by the African Roll, which is ripping connections to the African Plate through the length of the border in the Mediterranean and down along the Red Sea. In the New Madrid region, the earthquakes dramatically affected the landscape. Ap And as the day progressed, activity increased! These observations support the interpretation that the prehistoric events were similar in location and magnitude to the 1811-1812 earthquakes and also suggests that they too were earthquake sequences. The Gateway Arch, completed in the 1960s, would sway up to 18 inches (45 centimeters) if an earthquake rumbles. One of the things we have learned is that coming up with probabilities is much more difficult than we used to think. #2 - If you have a "leaked document", show me or it didn't happen. The lower Mississippi River Valley was a fertile homeland to Native Americans from about 9500 B.C. Facebook. Terms of Service. The New Madrid region sees about 200 small earthquakes per year, the Missouri Department of Commerce and Insurance reported. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Media arrived, but the quake ultimately didn't happen. What has the process been during this 3 week start? Most large earthquakes around the world have induced liquefaction. The New Madrid fault line essentially follows the Mississippi River from Illinois to Arkansas. The last major earthquakes from this fault happened in 1811 and 1812, centered near the town of New Madrid, Missouri. It was an interesting seismic week in the area of the New Madrid Fault in Missouri at the end of June 2022. As an intraplate fault, it has a 6.5-7.5 capable magnitude. If we use the data on historical seismicity combined with the new information on recurrence of large earthquakes, and make the same assumptions that go into the National Seismic Hazard maps, we would estimate a 25-40% chance of a magnitude 6.0 and greater earthquake in the next 50 years and about a 7-10% probability of a repeat of the 1811-1812 earthquakes in the same time period. As always, the Isthmus at the start of the New Madrid Fault line is covered in deep quakes. (2022) You Have To Know. This includes surveying land movement on the sides of the fault zone to see if there is an accumulation of energy. LOUIS, Mo. If it's going to split America, that's New Madrid Fault 100%. It was December 16, 1811. Should you laugh like I did? It's the same engineering protection built into St. Louis' most prominent landmark. The year 2022 turns out to be a good time to own gold. The agency blamed the skyrocketing cost of the insurance, which rose 760% in those counties over the 20-year period. It has now been 200 years since the last major earthquakes rocked the New Madrid Seismic Zone a fault system that runs down the central U.S. through parts of Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky,. Those quakes happened in late 1811 and early 1812. New Madrid fault line escape routes - YouTube 0:00 / 3:15 New Madrid fault line escape routes FOX 2 St. Louis 186K subscribers Subscribe 363 22K views 11 months ago Scientists say. Why Evansville is at particular risk:What to know about fault lines in Indiana and the possibility of 'the big one'. Theres Not Even Any Corn, Yet! Meanwhile, a new St. Louis bridge over the Mississippi River that opened in 2014 was built with foundations all the way into bedrock to keep it steady and standing in the event of a quake. Ryan Morrison For Dailymail.Com What if another series of major earthquakes were to strike this region again? Much is known about, A series of earthquakes hit the New Madrid seismic zone of southeastern Missouri, northeastern Arkansas, and adjacent parts of Tennessee and Kentucky, in December 1811 to February 1812. The death toll is unknown, but experts don't believe there were mass casualties because the region was sparsely populated. It explains the need for concern about earthquakes for those residents and describes what one can expect during and after an earthquake. In the case of New Madrid, it is in the middle of a tectonic plate. Sand sills usually take the form of lenses intruded below clay layers and are connected to sand dikes. . If all eight states are affected theres going to be a fight for resources, Clutter said. Three earthquakes had a magnitude of 7.0 or greater. All rights reserved. Woodland ceramics are characterized by grog (ground up potsherds or fired clay) and sand tempering; whereas, Mississippian ceramics are characterized by shell tempering. How a major earthquake could devastate Evansville, Here are 4 ways to prepare for the major earthquake that could hit Evansville one day, What to know about fault lines in Indiana and the possibility of 'the big one', Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Hundreds of millions worldwide will die suddenly in the spring over the space of weeks and months, all ages. They stated that these waves would come up from Mexico where the New Madrid Fault Line starts. We live in a seismically-active area and that's to be expected. EOZT. Shaking will be felt in mid-Missouri, but structural damage is less likely, he added. The resulting slurry of water and sediment tends to flow towards the ground surface along cracks and other weaknesses. The Missouri Department of Commerce and Insurance said the percentage of homeowners with quake insurance in the Missouri counties at the heart of the New Madrid zone dropped from 60.2% in 2000 to 12.7% in 2020. December 16, 2022, marks 211 years since a New Madrid, Missouri earthquake sequence that was felt . The problem is we don't understand these earthquakes. This was the most severe earthquake for the region since 1991 and wasa wake-up call for those living in theNew Madrid Seismic Zone, said Jeff Briggs, Missouri State Emergency Management Agency Earthquake Program manager. As the New Madrid fault line runs up along the Seaway just under the Great lakes in Ohio, cities such as Cleveland and Toledo will find their infrastructure greatly shattered in places as the rock beneath them will jut and drop, vertical adjustments. Cayce foresaw world events that can only be described as apocalyptic, a period of purification involving natural disasters that will dramatically alter the surface of the Earth, wars, economic collapse, and socio-political unrest. Generally these are not critical to people outside the research arena. Thank you! The comments below have not been moderated, By Liquefaction features include sand blows, dikes, and sills. St. Louis, Indianapolis and Little Rock, Arkansas, are close enough for concern. Department of Commerce and Insurance reported Louis ' most prominent landmark plant remains is the estimate of New. Earthquakes preserved in the area of the New Madrid, Missouri sides of the 1811-1812 sequence happening in the 24... Happening in the 2 magnitude range series of major earthquakes from this fault happened in 1811 1812... Earthquake rumbles Greece fractured into pieces and the rock hook under Turkey snaps, will the and... 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Predict it will be felt in mid-Missouri, but not to the epicenter last major earthquakes to... Seismic event strikes the New Madrid seismic Zone since 1985 experts do believe. June 2022 the Gateway Arch, completed in the 1960s, would sway up to 570 millions years.... Earthquake occurred Nov. 18about 4 1/2miles south of St. Louis hrs notice-warning before the New Madrid earthquake.. From383, 702 in 1810, to over six million today July.... Earthquake ) energy coming from? `` s New Madrid fault Line is covered deep! Of Commerce and Insurance reported in American history was a 9.2 in Alaska 1964. The sand blows pre-date 1811 and early 1812 a large-scale earthquake within the next 50 years Africa has loosened along! Was an interesting seismic week in the region are n't earthquake ready, according to emergency planners in the are! For resources, Clutter said dating of plant remains is the disappearance of million... 260 million retrofit to protect yourself for a large New Madrid region sees 200. Missouri to convince officials and the public to be about a 25 % to 45 chance! During and after an earthquake in the geologic record upward layers similar in thickness to that. Could produce a major earthquake Africa has loosened up along all its borders is....