blackrock and vanguard conspiracy

Were establishing strong partnerships with like-minded news outlets and courageous journalists. Are you afraid you might realize something? Admiral Crowe invested no money at all. First and foremost, the false narrative that most of America hates traditional values or the foundations of our nation are finally being proven false. Its an institution thats been around since the 1970s, but only came to fruition when Bush Sr. signed onto it at the 1992 Earth Summit. Notice how the geopolitical goals of freemasonry, Zionism, and Israel align exactly. They mostly track indices and invest funds proportionately, very little stock picking. They are BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street. A Bloomberg report states that the two companies by 2028 together will have investments in the amount of 20 trillion dollars. Emergent would later go on to buy this new vaccine for themselves after paying lobbyists to trash it. According to Reuters' data, BlackRock owns 7.5% shares of GSK. Van Eck operates a. Is now a good time to mention that Jerome Hauer whos suspected of having a hand in both the 9/11 and subsequent anthrax terrorist scare is also the Senior Advisor to Teneo. 01 Mar 2023 14:43:32 That means that they will own almost anything. Also, the big agricultural businesses, on which the entire food industry depends; they own Bayer, the parent company of Monsanto, the biggest seed producer in the world but they are also the shareholders of the big textile industry. This is the most powerful organization in the field. I recommend the mainstream book The world for sale. It shows the Anglo-American network of banking that overthrows governments and diverts tens of billions. Hes from a philanthropists family that works for the absolute elite. It comes down to this: The UN wants taxes from Western countries to be split by the mega corporations of the elite to create a brand new society. In short, the Federal Reserve is controlled by four large private companies: BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity. And the Jesuits and Rothschilds work together to maintain this system. My question is, why is this never talked about in the media? Please help keep NOQ Report and the other sites in the network going. That may seem exaggerated but from the breakfast we eat to the mattress we sleep on and everything we wear and consume in between is largely dependent on these corporations. BlackRock owns them, too. Since the mid-1970s, two corporations Vanguard and Blackrock have gobbled up most companies in the world, effectively destroying the competitive market on which America's strength has rested, leaving only false appearances behind. Amassing that sum will likely upend the asset management industry, intensify their ownership of the largest U.S. companies and test the twin pillars of market efficiency and corporate governance. Snowden: UFO Balloons 'Engineered Panic' To Distract From Nordstream Revelations - Ron Paul, The website goes on to praise how the lockdowns that destroyed the economy were really helpful with lowering carbon emissions and greenhouse gases. But. Whether youve been jabbed or youve been exposed to potential vaccine shedding, you need to look at Dr. Zelenkos new Z-DTox. Another thing BlackRock is taking seriously, or at least seriously enough to respond to, is a series of wild conspiracy theories that have been posted about the firm on the internet in the last year or so. The value of these companies is beyond calculation. Anyone who dares criticize the juden gets instantly branded as an anti-semite and a nazi. Wikipedia says that the annual fee for members is 35,000 euros but over half of our budget comes from partners who pay the cost for politicians who otherwise could not afford membership.. I was looking for more information and found this article within our own files! We are all being played on a scale never seen before. It also develops the software the central bank uses. Sounds like extreme communism to me. 13,14. They run the financial world and all central banks. BlackRock/Vanguard are currently the top two owners of Time Warner, Comcast, Disney (FOX), and News Corp, which are four of the six media companies that control more than 90% of the U.S. media landscape. Fauci admitted in emailsthat store bought masks didnt work, but he made people wear them to the detriment of their health anyway. Vanguard and BlackRock are the top two owners of Time Warner, Comcast, Disney and News Corp, four of the six media companies that control more than 90% of the U.S. media landscape BlackRock and Vanguard form a secret monopoly that own just about everything else you can think of too. It's kinda obvious and people have pieced this together a long time ago. BlackRock, itself is also owned by shareholders. Decide which cookies you want to allow.You can change these settings at any time. If you try to get off, your reputation or life is toast. Investigative journalists on the other hand were looking at Fuad and Hauer although, the FBI eventually rested blame on microbiologist Bruce Ivins who was a biodefense researcher for the US Armys infectious disease lab for 18 years. Although BlackRock has a higher figure for assets under management, The Vanguard Group is the largest shareholder of BlackRock shares. The world's three largest asset managers (BlackRock, Vanguard, and UBS) alone control $21 trillion, roughly equivalent to the entire U.S. economy in 2017 and nearly twice as much as the entire. Watch popular content from the following creators: wokereg8(@wokereg8), Leo Raguseo(@leoraguseo), Bryan Ross(@bryanrosswins), Xoxo(@oceangefilte), marcmalone(@marcmalone) . Lets take Pepsico again, as an example. Let us know what you think email Alex Steger at According to Simply Wall Street , as of February 2020, BlackRock and Vanguard were the two largest shareholders in GlaxoSmithKline, with 7% and 3.5% of shares, respectively. The reason is simple. With Project Syndicate, we see the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Open Society Foundation and the European Journalism Centre. The new infrastructure, because fossil fuels are gone in 2030. In fact Vanguard funds (collectively) own the most (about 8%), but that means many millions of people indirectly own it. Truth first. The FBI then simply rested their case. Please use discernment! And we owe America, this great land that allows us to take hold of these opportunities. Schwab says in his book that we will never return to the old normal and the WEF published a video recently to make clear that by 2030, we will own nothing but we will be happy. These institutional investors are mainly investment firms banks and insurance companies. BLACKROCK & VANGUARD These institutional investors are mainly investment firms banks and insurance companies. It's currently being sued by the DoJ for false claims in relation to a separate cleanup. Together, they form an immense network comparable to a pyramid. Zuckerberg already spent over $350 million dollars of his own money to openly steer an election in his favor and now theyre finding election fraud in every countyhe funded, so Im pretty sure him immorally pushing an experimental vaccine down peoples throats wouldnt be beyond the realm of possibilities for him to do. We need to start the next topic with a question. Who are those shareholders? For now, I just want to say that these families of whom many are in royalty are the founders of our banking system and of every industry in the world, these families have never lost power but due to an increasing population, they had to hide behind firms, like Vanguard, which the stockholders are the private funds and non-profits of these families. We must not think lightly about this and do thorough research. 02 May '22 01:46. . The same social media platforms that have to be sued to remove child porn by the underaged victims themselves, have no problem focusing all their time and manpower on suppressing and removing dissenting political opinions that they disagree with right down to the funny memes. This morning Epstein was found dead. This toxic injection was sold atprice gouging profitof 300%, despite the fact it was governmentsubsidized. According to critics, the WEF is for rich businesses to do business with other businesses or with politicians. To make this site work properly, we sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device. We dont get Google checks. Apart from the many newspapers and magazines, they also own Sanoma, the parent company of some of the big commercial Dutch channels. Here he is with Jay Dyer on the new normal. Integrity first. As usual, that information is denied us. I want to keep it short, so I will show you the three most important ones that connect all industries in the world. BlackRock is a big, powerful company that most Americans know little about. Because these are BlackRock, the Open Society foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and many big companies, from which Vanguard and BlackRock own the stocks. Ill entertain you for a moment and say, even if they had a large position in Vanguard funds, what is your point? Bravo!! Someone owns the most that someone is the Rothschild family. They are also heavily-sponsored by Facebook, Google, the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. BlackRock, the world's largest investment manager, has become an increasingly influential Wall Street player in Washington, DC. Back to Teneo. Since 2012, BlackRock has purchased stakes in Mexican toll roads . We appreciate everything, whether a dollar or $10,000. As is all of freemasonry and Zionism. Also, if we look at other big companies in the tech industry that develop and make our computers, TVs, phones and home appliances, we see the same big investors, that together own the majority of the stock. If and when we start getting enough contributions to expand, we will do just that. All we wanted was a forensic election audit to settle it once and for all, unite a divided nation, and assure us that our votes actually mattered. You are woefully uneducated on this topic. Florida's move in divesting from BlackRock is arguably the most mainstream expression so far of a wide-ranging conspiracy theory centering around the World Economic Forum, a global coalition of . There will be enough time to dive into the past, but now lets talk about today but my goal is to inform you about the danger we are in now. Here is just one publication and its theory about the Anthrax mailings. In turn, they, themselves are owned by shareholders and the most surprising thing is that they own each other's stocks . The elite who own Vanguard apparently do not like being in the spotlight but of course they cannot hide from who is willing to dig. Since the mid-1970s, two corporations Vanguard and Blackrock have gobbled up most companies in the world, effectively destroying the competitive market on which America's strength has rested, leaving only false appearances behind. While Biden shuts off the pipline in America, is it possible we've all been paying higher prices at the pump, not because limited supplies are being shipped overseas to us, but because Vanguard just wrote off $500 million in debt? But now he gets murky. They want the revolutions in every country so the the WEF can put in a new government. Rule 2 does apply throughout the rest of this thread. So what did they do? The UN wants to make sure, as does Schwab that in 2030, poverty, hunger, pollution and disease no longer plague the Earth. On the supervisory board of the WEF is former Vice President, Al Gore, our own minister, Sigrid Kaag, Feike Sijbesma, Chairman of the Royal Dutch State Mines and the Commissioner of the Dutch bank, Christine Lagarde, the Chairwoman of the European Central Bank. Lets see who are the biggest shareholders of these companies. However, they are hopefully provocative. Conspiracy Theory Explained 1,677 views Mar 23, 2022 Why does Vanguard own everything? 1 BlackRock is an asset management firm Credit: Getty What is the BlackRock conspiracy theory? The second one is Mediahuis, one of Europes biggest media concerns. Finding Israeli settlers rampage as killings continue, US Military Aid To Ukraine Exceeds The Costs Of Afghanistan, Electric Vehicles Grapple With Cold Weather, Fail Miserably. Until 2017, also Sky Radio and Radio Veronica were owned by Mediahuis, as were Radio 538 and radio 10. It is Vanguard's oldest mutual fund and the nation's oldest balanced mutual fund, and it has been subadvised by Wellington Management since its inception in 1929. Eat organic, freeze-dried, sous vide chicken that you can store for a decade or two if necessary. They dont care if people die, theyve been selling poison to us for years and getting away with it. We need to purge our government of these corrupt politicians under the control of these companies. RT @MaxBlumenthal: The EPA has hired a company called Tetra Tech to conduct testing in East Palestine. Vanguard is Pepsi's major shareholder at 8.44 per cent; BlackRock second at 4.73 per cent. BlackRock reacts to the conspiracy theorists The world's largest asset manager has entered the chat. We dont have a YouTube Channel (banned), an Instagram profile (never made one), or a TikTok (no thanks, CCP). The own the companies that build our electronics, they own the big warehouses and online markets and even the means of payments we use to buy their products. NEW: Get a FREE Alexapure Pro Water Filtration System ($279 value) with the purchase of a 3-Month Emergency Food Supply for a very limited time. Vanguard is also rooted in Rockefeller money, you know, the people behind pushing all this globalist trash in the first place so they can rule over the rest of us like peasants and serfs. The real-time extension alerts you when a moderator removes your content, and the linker extension provides buttons for viewing removed content. - the guy has put together the whole picture. You guessed it, BlackRock. Our corrupt judicial system who refuses to prosecute BLM and Antifa protesters that burned down buildings, assaulted officers, and looted businesses has no problem detaining and holding the Jan 6th Capitol protesters in solitary confinement for the last six months. Public Health worldwide militarized creating Kill zones for global depopulation & Israeli forces poisoned Palestinian wells during Israels founding war and after. Well, this was a lot to chew on and I tried to make it as short as I could. This has bolstered BlackRock's efforts to generate an infrastructure business in Mexico from scratch. These appear to be the link between companies, politics and media. Its turning independent American homeowners into renters at the mercy of powerful, global landlords at a heavily concerning pace. We see about 72% of stock is owned by no less than 3,155 institutional investors. That is more than the 954 engagements counted by rival Vanguard Group and 676 from State Street Corp.'s money . The media wants us to believe that this is a conspiracy theory, yet it has been talked about by leaders for decades. Four days before the big contract was awarded, one of their main lobbyist John Hishta bragged that the company paid him $30,000 for procuring the government contract for anthrax vaccine. A video claiming BlackRock and Vanguard own "all the biggest corporations in the world" is missing context. right near Washington DC. In less than 30 years, this American financial firm has grown from nothing to becoming the world's largest and most trusted manager of other people's money. JPMorgan is owned by them too. I also think we might mitigate the damage and may even do better, provided we are informed correctly about our situation. This conceals the conflicts of interests a bit. You probably heard of the New World Order. These institutional investors are mainly investment firms banks and insurance companies. This colossus sits atop the pyramid of world corporate ownership, including in China most recently. The military industrial complex and the mega asset companies that own them make unbelievable money off unending wars and the deaths of American soldiers, and their lobbyists make damn sure the right political people and the government alphabet agencies are in their pocket to keep that war machine grinding for profit unimpeded. I just wish there were more who would make the bold move. And now, theyre openly talking about instilling their own global government via the UN. But I digress. Because well, of course. Turns out theres a really short list of people that would even have access to military grade Anthrax and be able to safely handle it, and an even shorter list of who would actually profit from such a thing. Their holdings are colossal. One quote that stuck with me is the elite allow useful people on to a figurative luxury Yacht. Nor did it make sense why any sane, non-evil person would purposely place sick covid patients into nursing homes to infect the most vulnerable of us all, who they claimed we were shutting down everything for in the first place. My kingdom for them to dig in only to realize that not only does this all go back to Bush, but that the corruption is occurring between Big Pharma, lobbyists, and corrupt politicians on both sides. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. Vanguard is also Microsoft's major shareholder at 7.80 per cent; BlackRock second at 4.45 per cent. BlackRock, itself is also owned by shareholders. While it is true that both investment firms hold significant shares in many of the. Here he is discussing The Great Reset with another clever guy - Jay Dyer. Not only do they own a large part of the stocks of nearly all big companies but also the stocks of the investors in those companies. Someone owns more than everyone else. And it is clear that the pandemic was orchestrated in order to bring this about. We search for a flight to a sunny country on Skyscanner or Expedia. This gives them a complete monopoly. Its CEO, Larry Fink can count on a warm welcome from leaders and politicians. If that means were going to struggle for a while or even indefinitely, so be it. Were here to spread the truth. What do they care, theyll be enjoying life as one of the global ultra-elite. I dont necessarily hold it against them. They are Vanguard and BlackRock. Were not ego-driven; Id much rather post a properly attributed story written by experts like Dr. Joseph Mercola or Natural News than rewrite it like so many outlets like to do. We are currently experiencing a gap between revenue and expenses that cannot be overcome by click-ads and MyPillow promos alone (promo code NOQ by the way). Not so strange, if you know that he is the front man of the ruling company but Larry Fink does not pull the strings himself. BlackRock is the largest money manager in the world, overseeing nearly $10 trillion on behalf of clients, with unrivaled size through funds it manages and the shareholder megaphone it wields in. By Alex Steger Since we've already put forward our thesis that 2022 is the year of the ESG backlash, it's with a heavy dose of confirmation bias that we present some further evidence of the phenomenon. The third, State Street, is owned by BlackRock. BlackRock lends money to the central bank but its also the advisor. Originally the FBI tried to blame Iran, as another part of the weapons of mass destruction tale they loved pushing in the Middle East that turned out not to have ever existed. But they are not alone in dominating the . That's logically impossible. That means that they will own almost everything. Ill keep this short. Want to guess who the largest shareholder of BlackRock itself is? We already know the two radical leftists that own Facebook and Twitter have no problem playing defense to this plan. The government wasted $877.5 million of our tax dollars on a company called VaxGen. Newspapers at the time (journalism wasnt always dead) were in an uproaron how flimsy the FBIs case was anddemandedan independent investigation into it. As of 5 hours ago, reddit is insta-shadow-banning posts and comments with keywords, including any reddit competitor website names, Ghislane Maxwell's father, Robert Maxwell, was also a Mossad agent. The Anglo-American power structure. The stocks of these companies are owned by private funds of three families. Essential: Remember your cookie permission setting, Essential: Gather information you input into a contact forms, newsletter and other forms across all pages, Essential: Keep track of what you input in a shopping cart, Essential: Authenticate that you are logged into your user account, Essential: Remember language version you selected, Functionality: Remember social media settings, Functionality: Remember selected region and country, Analytics: Keep track of your visited pages and interaction taken, Analytics: Keep track about your location and region based on your IP number, Analytics: Keep track of the time spent on each page, Analytics: Increase the data quality of the statistics functions. Vanguard is a private company and we cannot see who the shareholders are. CulturalHusbandry (@APhilosophae) June 9, 2021 Not just George Bush Senior, Bill Clinton and Nelson Mandela but also world-famous philanthropists, like Cecil Rhodes, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and even George Soros. How this guy is even able to walk around without mobs coming after him for killing their friends and family, I do not know. Please share with friends so they can wake up. Im so glad we were all conspiracy theorists for saying the exact same thing while it was happening. The reopening is effective Thursday, spokesman Freddy Martino said in an email. While donations are the best way to help, you can also support us by buying through our sponsors: We know we could make a lot more money if we sold out like so many conservative publications out there. As the firms global head of content and media Rich Latour told Insider, even a year ago the asset manager wouldnt have bothered, but now were just trying to get organized for those instances when the stories are significant enough and wrong enough that it warrants us sort of correcting the record at least on social media.. According to the website of the World Economic Forum, the Gates Foundation is the biggest sponsor of the WHO. If there is a Marek's disease scenario due to the leaky vaccine being promoted, that will mean every human will need a shot or will die, Klaus Schwab (head of the WEF and who wrote "The Great Reset") mother's maiden name is Rothschild, They said comedian Trevor Moore died from alcohol poisoning at age 41, but it turns out he died from blunt head trauma after "falling from his balcony". Bitcoin: 3A1ELVhGgrwrypwTJhPwnaTVGmuqyQrMB8. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #blackrockchronicles, #blackrockshooterfragment, #blackrockcottage, #conspiracygang, #conspiracy, # . They're intentionally provoking outrage, this is not an accident that this is happening in every western country simultaneously. Metal Brain. Lets look at the top 10 and start at the bottom six of them. For this project, the UN says we need a world government namely the UN, itself. So, not only the industries but also the information is owned by the elite. The plane we board is, in most cases a Boeing or an Airbus, also owned by the same names. Or they can outright buy 30k homes per year. Fauci knew it came out of the Wuhan lab, it was the exact human manufactured virus strain they were working on in that facility and it was their researchers that were the first to get sick (which they also hid for months), but he covered it up and blamed it on bat soup just so that people wouldnt think it was all his fault? So, it cant be excused away as political bias: Good day. knowingly giving hemophiliacs HIV in the 80s? We dont have Facebook or Twitter buttons on our stories. To overcome our revenue gap and keep these sites running, our needs fluctuate between $2200-$7800 per month. Even worse, Oxfam says that 82% of all earned money in 2017 went to this 1%. I will show you briefly how this works in the Netherlands. Nope. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Isnt it illogical, that after 50 years of meetings between environmentalists and the CEOs of the most polluting companies, nature is gradually doing worse, not better; that those critics are right, its clear, when we look at the main partners that together make up more than half of the budget of the WEF. All three families sided with the Nazis in the War. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. When BioPort/Emergent went back to the Pentagon for money, Pentagon auditors looked at BioPorts books and concluded that millions of dollars were unaccounted for. So, exactly . As you can see, only 10 of the investors own together nearly one third of the stock. Yes and who are the majority shareholders? Thats the kind of destructive, selfish insanity were dealing with here. So whenLynn Forester de Rothschildwants the United States to be a one-party country (like China) and doesnt want voter ID laws passed in the US, so that more election fraud can be perpetrated to achieve that end,what does she do? Did you know you can buy 1000 reddit upvotes for $400? 1999 - 2023 Some of our content is spread across multiple sites. In a viral tweet, BlackRock pushed back against the conspiracies raising questions about why they should bother responding. Together, BlackRock and Vanguard own 18% of Fox, 16% of . Survival ProTip: Some of the best survival gear can be found at camping retailers. it was interesting that The Wellington fund was set up in 1929 -. This gives them a complete monopoly. Weve got reports rolling in of miscarriages and stillbirths in multiple countries and the media is trying to ignore it. The reason monopolies are dangerous is because it kills capitalism by blocking competition. They are perfectly happy watching the mega-corporations they own become richer at the cost of pushing out and buying up smaller businesses who cant compete with the forced covid restrictions and long term mandates that politicians on these companys payrolls are unconstitutionally pushing on us. Finding the Courage, Horowitz: We must stop the feds from tracking immunization status and imposing medical apartheid, How the Powerful Captured the Public in a Pandemic. Damage and may even do better, provided we are all being on... 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